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Now Xavior and I are cuddling butt naked on the couch while Jakeup gets cleaned up.

"That was fucking amazing!"

Xavior chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"I got to agree mating with you in your butt was better than I ever thought it would be." Xavior say.

Sandy purrs louder hearing that while we are still coming down from our high.

"I am finally happy our bond is complete."

Xavior tenses and that is when Jakeup walks back in wearing freshly clean clothes. I turned a bit to look up at Xavior to see he is in conflict until Jakeup helps me up. So now I am off of the couch Xavior gets up putting his clothes on before exiting Jakeup's office. This of course makes Sandy whimper and makes me curious to why he is acting this way after what I just said about our bond. I look up at Jakeup and he pecks my lips before pulling the dress over my head. Then Cathy walks in after knocking and brings me to freshen up.  All the while Sandy does not stop whimpering. So when Cathy helps me into the shower I try to figure it out only to come up empty handed. After my shower Cathy helps me get dressed and I asked her.

"Cathy can I ask you something personal?"

"Sure." Cathy says.

"How did your mate mark you?"

"I guess normally while we were mating and making out before." Cathy says.

I nod and watch as her smile shown in her eyes.

"Why do you ask?" Cathy asks.

"Xavior and I mated and after he came in my butt he marked me. Afterwords I told him how happy I am that our bond is complete, but he just tensed up and left when Jakeup came back."

"Maybe he tensed up because your bond is not complete until he marks you while cumming in you vagina." Cathy says.


"Neither one of them told you this?" Cathy asks.


"Well at least you get to feel that power surging into you again." Cathy says.

I stand up and stormed to Xavior's room, since I was just in the big room we share with Jakeup. Cathy follows and as I opened the door I scream in frustration to find his scent not in here. So I turned around and stormed to Jakeup's office and barging in without knocking.

"You mother lover! How can you not tell me our bond is not complete and allow me to think so!"

Sandy was showing and I was on the edge of shifting.

"Why did neither one of you, my dear mates, tell me if mated in the butt while marked it is not the same as mating in to vagina while being marked!"

I was starting to sprout fur and starting to shift.

"Love please calm down." Xavior says.

Sandy just growls showing her and my hurt.

Now we are in wolf form and I noticed that Jakeup's office is packed with others. Sandy growls louder feeling caged, hurt, and threatened.

"An please calm down!" Jakeup begs.

Sandy looks at him and understand what Jakeup means. So she whimpers and we shift back having Cathy cover us with a blanket.

"I will bring clothes." Cathy says about to leave knowing I was not going to move.

Well I really can not move since now Sandy is busy with our pup and we forced shifted from anger. So I barely have energy to do much.

"No Cathy. Xavior will take her to our room to change and rest." Jakeup says.

Cathy nods while Xavior moves towards me. Once he is by my side he  picks me up gently and carries me to our room. Once in the room he sets me on the bed and grabs a blues dress. He then helps me gets dress and explains himself afterwards.

"I did not tell you because I knew you were happy and still coming down from your high. I know I should of told you then, but I just did not want that happiness of us be destroyed." Xavior says.

"So how is it going to be complete now?"

"The mark I gave you is only temporary so when we do mate normally and I remark you our bond then will be complete." Xavior says while he is kneeling between my legs.

"How long does this mark last?"

"It lasts for a month then fades if we do not mate before then." Xavior says.


"Love please don't cry. I promise we will before it fades completely." Xavior says.

"Don't make a promise you do not know that you can one hundred percent keep."

"I will make sure to keep it so I do not hurt my sexy mate." Xavior says pulling me in for a kiss.

The thought of his mark on me being temporary makes me wonder does it still have the same effects as the permident mark will have. So I break our kiss, but keep my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Does this mark at least have the same effects as the forever mark does?"

Xavior chucks then pecks the mark making it known what my answer is. He licks it when I pull him closer and wrap my legs around him. So when I felt him licking it more and pampering the area my hand dig into his hair while my back arches in pleasure. He leans over me allowing me to lay on my back and we make out until Jakeup walks in growling.

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