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It was more painful than anything I have ever experienced in my whole life. It now makes sense why we had to preorder a special pain medication for me since I am about to give birth to a werewolf pup. Next think I know Jakeup rushes into our room and by his eyes Jaden has the most control. Next Xavier rushes in with my hospital bag and tries to pick me up. I say try because as soon as Xavier touched me Jakeup growls since another contraction happen. 'I guess our pup wants to be born already.' Soon Jakeup picks me up and darts carefully to the pack hospital with Xavier on our heels talking on the phone with the doctor. The nurse sees us and rushes over ushering us to my birthing room and her face shows more than shocked making me panic more. I do my labor breathing knowing panicking is not good nor helpful right now. Before I know it Jakeup sets me down on the bed and holds my head doing the breathing with me. Xavier on the other hand is setting up my white noise machine and lighting the scents to help keep me calm. I look down at myself seeing I am only wearing a blanket and that's when the nurse hands Jakeup the hospital gown. He tries to help me, but ends up ripping it, so the nurse grabs another. This time Xavier helps me put it on while Jakeup talks to the doctor to try to calm down. At this point Jaden almost has full control. And I know if we were in a different situation Sandy would be happy Jaden almost has full control. 'Shut it human! Just focus on giving birth to our pup while I try to take the pain away from you, or do you want the pain?' Sandy snaps at me. 'That explains why I am not feeling a ton of pain.' Soon the doctor arrives and checks how far I am. Once he puts the gown down he nods at the nurse having her leave the room. Jakeup notices and makes me focus on him. "Little one look at me." Jakeup says with Jaden still having most of the control. I look at him and squeeze his hand. "Let's do the breathing together." Jakeup says while Xavier walks out of the room with the doctor. We do the breathing and when the doctor and Xavier returns the look on Xavier's face said it all. 'Just focus on giving birth and Ill take all the pain.' Sandy says. 'What will happen now? What if something goes....' Jakeup looses all control and Jaden growls grabbing my attention. "I am sorry Alpha it's too late for it." The nurse says. The doctor props my legs up and gets ready. "Love look at me." Xavier says. I look at Xavier. "Everything is okay we will not leave your side. Now you just take my hand and push." Xavier says. With grabbing both Xavier and Jakeup's hand while they hold my legs in place I push with all my might. This continues until Jakeup cuts the cord and then I hear his cry making the nurse clean him up. Jakeup watches everything while my eyes start to close. "Love look at me!" Xavier says clearly panicking. I look at him and he smiles before my eyes become to heavy to keep open. The last thing I hear is Jakeup growling now standing by me trying to wake me up.

As I open my eyes all I see is a dim lighten room. I looked to my left to see Xavier asleep holding my hand. He looks so at peace, but even in this dim light I can see the bags under his eyes. I mentally sigh before looking to my right seeing Jakeup feeding our son. I smile feeling pure happiness and joy before he looks at me. Our eyes connected and I could clearly see relief and happiness in them. Just like Xavier Jakeup too has bags under his eyes, but we do not break our eye contact until our son wines. I look at my baby boy and see the bottle slipped out making the milk spill a bit on him. Jakeup fixes the bottle and wipes the milk off of him. This gives me a moment to ponder why our son is only wearing a diaper and booties. Soon Jakeup brings me our son after burping him. As soon as he is in my arms my heart is filled with so much love and joy that I never knew was possible. As he is grabbing my hair I take in his facial features. He looks like Jakeup, but with my eyes and ears. His nose is straight and small like a button. His hair is dark brown almost black and unlike when I was born he has a ton of hair. Before I could fully see all his facial features the nurse comes in then and smiles before Jakeup try's to take our son from me making me growl. Jakeup looks taken back and Xavier wakes up looking at me with joy.

"My son, back off."

Jakeup smiles, but as soon as the nurse tries to take my son he wails making Jakeup and I to growl. She backs up surrendering before speaking.

"I need to remove the cords from you and check your vitals." The nurse says.

With my son wailing I rock him calming him down before he falls back asleep and Jakeup takes him. Then the nurse takes my vitals and unhooks me from the machines. As soon as she left Xavier kisses my hand keeping his eyes locked with mine. I could clearly see the joy, but also the mischievous swirling in his eyes. Maybe it also had a hint of a promise, but that I am unsure of. Jakeup soon places our son back in my arms which resulted in my baby boy to cuddle closer to my breasts. It was so cute and made my heart swell up with more than joy. My mate just watch me watching my son and I could feel their wants just by them looking at me. It made me want to sit on Xavier's lap making out while Jakeup undresses me before we mate, but this time only Xavier would be in the front. I shake my thoughts to try to suppress my hormones. I looked at Xavier wondering if he too was suppressing his hormones and from jumping on this bed to have his way with me.  By his eyes I could tell he was trying to keep his wolf Xavior at bay, but we both know Xavior is winning so far. That was until his phone goes off waking my baby boy. Xavier looks apologetic and takes the call out of the room as I rock my baby boy back to sleep. When he does fall back asleep I look at Jakeup seeing Jack trying to have control.

"Did you name our baby boy?"

"Yes my love, his name is Jason Emmanuel Ferdinand." Jakeup says looking at me with so much love.

I look at my sleeping baby boy Jason Emmanuel Ferdinand smiling knowing that no matter what I will always love him and protect him.

After a while Jakeup joins me in bed just holding me near him making me feel at peace. He kisses my head making my smile widen. That is when Xavier walks back in while a look that says they have some work. He looks at me with love, but I can see the defeat and anger he is holding back.

"We have a problem with our closest Ally Kingdom." Xavier says.

Jakeup growls in frustration before kissing my head.

"Who are they and what is the problem?"

"My love don't worry right now. We will be back and take you home." Jakeup says.

He kisses our son's head before nodding at Xavier. Jakeup is the first one of of the room and I stop Xavier.


He turns and looks at me torn, but with love.

"Yes my heart?" Xavier asks.

"Come here please."

He walks up to me and bends down capturing my lips with his in a passionate, but quick kiss.

"I love you my mate." Xavier says.

"I love you too. Please hurry back and be safe, both of my mates."

He nods and places a kiss on my head before leaving. As the door shuts I let a tear free before wiping it away.

It has been five hours and the doctor has discharged me and yet my mates are not back. Since they left I have found out I was in a coma for 3 months which explains why Jakeup and Xavier was relieved when I woke up. Even though it did not fell that long I can guess it felt longer to them.

Currently I am sitting in my hospital room feeding Jason since the doctor just discharged me and my mates are not back yet. As I burp Jason Jakeup and Xavier walks in looking apologetic.

"Sorry our love we were stuck on the phone." Xavier says.

Jakeup grabs mine and Jason's stuff before Xavier helps me to my feet.

Soon we are back home and unpacking Jason's things. Even though his room is next to ours I just don't want to sleep in a different room than him. So I had put his bassinet in here which he is in right now.

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