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Modern AU

Definition-Yandere is a term used for a person who is initially loving and caring to someone they have a strong affection for until their romantic love, admiration, and devotion becomes feisty and mentally destructive.

"Look at them, they're on the cusp of being the next hot couple," Sakura fangirled as she hung onto Naruto who was staring blankly at Temari sucking up to Shikamaru who looked rather disinterested. He narrowed his eyes at the exchange and felt his hands curling and uncurling in silent rage. 

He snapped out of it when his friend Sasuke came and landed a hand on his shoulder. "Oi dobe looking for a fight?" He asked wrapping his arm across the blonde's shoulder. 

"Yeah Kiba pulled shit at lunch and I'm itching to land on in his face," He lied without missing a beat. He walked out with his two friends unaware that Shikamaru's eyes were following him. 

When he got home he played on the thought of getting Temari out of the way. He was friends with Sakura purely for the reason that she has good information when it comes to the girls of their extended friend group. He's known about Temari's crush for a long time, almost a month but according to Sakura Temari's been crushing from middle school. 

'It's nothing compared to my love, I've loved him more than that dusty blonde bitch.' He seethed in his head as he stripped out of his clothing to take a shower. 'He's mine, I deserve him. Everyone else has a good life, Shikamaru's my good piece in life.'

As he fumed over the situation of Temari confessing to her crush he accidentally ran the knife over his palm during his dinner preparation. He stared at the blood as it oozed onto the cutting board. He took the knife and ran it over his wrist and got a similar result. He chuckled slightly before it got into full-blown laughter as he sliced his wrist to pieces. "This is it, this is how I get his attention back," He said to himself as he went about making the wounds worse. 

Shikamaru was attentive, it was one of the things he prided himself on. He only had suspicions but eventually, he kept seeing them until he had no choice but to confront the person. He didn't understand why nobody could see what he saw when looking at the blonde that clearly wasn't alright. It all started becoming worrying when Naruto handed back the notebook that he had borrowed. 

"Ne Shika, here, thanks again for lending me your notebook," Naruto had it outstretched in his hand and as Shikamaru reached for it, he noticed the heavily bandaged arm it was being held in. 

"What happened to your hand?" Without thinking Shikamaru grabbed his wrist that was also bandaged only to be subjected to Naruto's hiss of pain. Naruto dropped the notebook on his table and tried to get his hand back but it was futile, Shikamaru was a head taller and a lot stronger than he was. 

"It's nothing, just a screwup in the kitchen," Naruto said through gritted teeth. Shikamaru didn't buy that bullshit for a second. An accident in the kitchen didn't need this much padding to stop the bleeding and it was wrapped around his palm indicating this was no accident. 

Shikamaru felt his stomach drop as he loosened his hold on Naruto enough to give the blonde a chance to pull away with a shaky smile. Naruto had done it intentionally. "It's okay Shika, don't be so worried. I'll be careful next time," Naruto bounded away to go chat with Sasuke and Sakura. 

'Next time,' Shikamaru felt sick to his stomach just thinking about it. 


Naruto carried on like normal but he was loving the return of the attention on himself. Shikamaru was more attentive and on occasion stopped him from going off on his own whenever he wanted to be on the roof, sometimes he even hung out with the blonde on the roof. Shikamaru would accompany him to class and even force him to sit beside him during lunch. He was attentive to the point everyone in their group began to notice. 

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