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A/N- We have come to an end of Dere Types! Now I pose the question to all my fellow readers. Which Dere Type would you like to see enter full production? Let me know! You can message me privately or you can comment on my wall or even leave it in the comments. But onto the story!

"You're a bit of a bitch you know that?" Ino started in an irritated tone. "He isn't yours and you can't make him yours by annoying him to death. Just give it up an-" She was cut off by Naruto who had swung the sharp object in his hand across Ino's neck. She choked on her blood as she reached up to hold her throat. Naruto sighed as he opened his narrowed eyes, he gripped the broken bottle to the point of shattering it. 

"No, you listen to me," He growled. "He's mine and anyone who stands between us will be eliminated. Don't you dare think for a second I'd allow you to move in on his moment of grief of that dead bitch Temari, you don't deserve the spot." 

He pushed her into the open sewer and slid the cover over. No one would discover her for a long time and should the upcoming weather forecast be correct she should be washed out to the ocean in a few weeks. He sighed as he unclenched his hand to look at the bits of glass in his palm. He headed back to his shared apartment and was surprised to see Shikamaru up and hitting a blunt. His eyes were crimson and Naruto guessed he had been hitting the joint for a few hours. 

"You're back," His voice sounded dazed as Naruto toed off his shoes. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to be out?" 

"I didn't think I'd have to check in with you," Naruto replied as he entered the kitchen and turned on the pipe to wash the glass pieces down the drain. His hand only had surface-level cuts so with a bit of water the blood had stopped running. 

"Of course, you have to check in with me, what if you were taken?" Shikamaru sprung up on his feet to walk over as the blonde moved on to fixing a bowl of cereal. "You're always out and about and you never tell me anything." 

Naruto turned to him with a confused expression. "Shikamaru you're projecting again, this isn't you. I know Temari went missing and was found dead days later but seriously nothing's going to happen to me." 

'If anything I would be turning this concern to anyone that bumps into me,' He thought with a twisted sense of humor. 

"You don't know that, I can't lose you too," Shikamaru reached out for him and Naruto dodged his hands. "Naruto come on." 

"No, you need to heal," He scowled at the Nara who was now looking at him with a narrowed gaze. "Go to bed, getting high isn't helping you." 

"Isn't this what you wanted?" Shikamaru spat bitterly. 

"What?" Naruto feigned confusion. 

Shikamaru laughed, gripping his loose hair with a deranged smile. "Don't play stupid, you aren't the only one offing people!" 

"Shikamaru you need to calm down," Naruto was looking at him with a tilted head. 

"I don't need to calm down!" Shikamaru snapped. "Who did you kill tonight?" 

"What?" Naruto's eyes widened. 

"Naruto stop fucking with me," Shikamaru growled. "Do you know why I'm fucked up like this? I don't miss Temari, I hated her. I'm stressed the fuck out because this is the first time any of your victims surfaced." 

"You know?" Naruto's voice was gobsmacked as Shikamaru started laughing. 

"Of course, I know! I've always known!" 

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Naruto started to become angry. 

"Because it got me off, it's fucking sexy when anyone around me disappears because of you," Shikamaru had begun crying. "I did it too, anyone who ever admitted to having a crush on you was dealt with even if they hadn't established contact with you. I didn't take the chance, I don't want you to know them." 

Naruto laughed. "I guess we're both screwed in the head," He smiled at the Nara who was smiling with him. "You're insane." 

"I could say the same, you aren't any better than me," Shikamaru came forward and hugged the blonde. "You've become bold, eliminating any of our friends." 

"It was Ino, I dealt with Ino tonight," Naruto wrapped his arms around the other and they began swaying in each other's arms. 

"Don't ever leave me out from now on," Shikamaru demanded as he tightened his grip on Naruto. The blonde chuckled at the request. "I'm serious." 

"Now that I have you why would I need to continue killing?" Naruto asked quietly. 

"I don't plan to stop killing anyone who has crushes on you," Shikamaru's voice dropped to a dark tone. "I don't ever plan to stop, never." 

"Oh?" Naruto sounded as he looked up into his dark red eyes. "Is that so? Well, I guess I can continue doing clean-up for the people interested in you." 

"Will you be such a darling?" Shikamaru stroked his cheek as he smiled. "I love you." 

"I figured as much, no one tends to keep quiet about someone murdering people around them," Naruto's smile grew as he leaned up. "I love you too if that much wasn't obvious." 

They shared their first kiss for the night and soon things took a turn as Shikamaru hauled Naruto into his arms and began making his way to his bedroom. "I've spent years wanting you," Shikamaru moaned as he dropped the blonde into his bed. 

"Why wait so long?" 

"It's been a joy watching you break everyone around us," Shikamaru grabbed Naruto's hand and placed it on his cock. "You killing makes me get off, now that I can finally put it in you will drive me crazy." 

"Hurry up and stop being a tease," Naruto allowed Shikamaru to pull his pants off, stripping him bare as he laid under him. Their bodies slotted together as they made love that night. The promise of murders between them as they grew older together now. 

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