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Definition: Inudere characters are characters that act like dogs, some even being Inumimi, or part human and part dog. When attempting to express their love, they may try to "wag" a part of their body, such as their hair if they don't have a tail. Inudere characters are usually energetic, or at least generally happy. They are usually loyal to their love interest, like a dog with their master.

"Naru-chan~" Shikamaru called softly as he petted Naruto's long fluffy golden locks. Naruto wrinkled his nose and opened his eyes. He looked up at Shikamaru, the Nara wiped the drool off the other's chin and picked Naruto up in his arms. 

"Oni-chan~ You're late," Naruto pouted as Shikamaru picked up his princess backpack as he headed out of the elementary classroom. Naruto was the adopted little brother he had always wanted. He was oddly intelligent but was rather energetic and cute. His wild long blonde hair was a big part of his personality. He had faint memories of his mother's long red hair so he kept it this way to honor her. 

"Sorry I had college projects to take care of," Shikamaru apologized as they headed outside. Naruto stuffed his small puffy hands onto his older brother's cheeks. "I'm sorry, sorry kit." 

"Ramen! Ramen!" Naruto cheered with a big smile as he jumped within Shikamaru's grasp. "Give me ramen!" 

"Will ramen make you forgive me?" 

"Mhm! Naru loves Oni-chan!" Naruto babbled excitedly as they headed out of the gate. Some of Shikamaru's friends were waiting for him. Naruto was cuddled up in Shikamaru's chest with his arms around his neck, humming in his neck. 

"Okay when we get home, I'll make you some ramen," Shikamaru promised as he kissed the other on the cheek. 

"So, this is the girl?" Temari, Shikamaru's girlfriend asked as she eyed the crazy amount of blonde hair just out and about. 

"Boy, Naruto's a boy," Shikamaru told her as the blonde perked up his head. 

"But he's in a skirt...." Temari trailed off and Ino gave her a pissed-off look.

"Oh, we're judging a kid now? I'll have you know I bought that skirt he's wearing," She started to get defensive and Choji held onto her arm. 

"Auntie Ino?" Naruto turned to her and flashed a bright grin. "Auntie Ino!" He held his arms open and Ino melted as she took Naruto from Shikamaru's arms. Naruto kissed her on the cheek before pressing their cheeks together. His bright blue eyes charmed everyone except the jealous girlfriend. 

"Uncle Cho!" Naruto squealed as he jumped into Choji's big chest. Naruto crawled up his large body and settled on his shoulder, hugging the older one's head. "Any snacks?" 

Ino and Choji began indulging Naruto as they walked a bit ahead of Shikamaru and Temari. Shikamaru was annoyed with Temari's judgmental ways. He's managed to keep Naruto out of earshot but his friends were not pleased that he wasn't done with her. They hated her. "You need to get off your fucking high horse," Shikamaru spat. "He's a kid why are griping about it." 

"It's just weird for a boy to be in a skirt," She defended and scoffed when Ino turned to glare at her. "You shouldn't be confusing him like this." 

"Nope, he was adopted in girl clothes. It's his thing, he's never worn male clothing and he's aware of it." 

"Doesn't that mean someone screwed him up before your parents got him?" 

That made Shikamaru stop. He turned to her with a death glare. "If you're going to be a bitch about this then we're done. Nobody judges my family even if said family doesn't share blood." 

He walked off quickly to join his friends as they went home. 

At home after Naruto cleaned himself up, he came tumbling down the stairs in Shikamaru's sweatshirt and a pair of pink socks, he was dragging a stuffed fox as he climbed onto the sofa to watch cartoons. Shikamaru brought him ramen and fed him, blowing on the noodles to cool them down. Naruto was excited as he ate from his big brother, slowly but surely climbing into his lap. Shikamaru petted him like a pet and started to style his hair as Naruto watched his cartoons. 

"Shika," Naruto started softly as he clutched his fox plush. 

"Yes, little one?" 

"Is the mean lady going to be around every time we're outside?" Naruto started sniffing a bit as his vision blurred. Shikamaru pulled him into his chest as Naruto started wailing. "I don't wanna stop wearing my pretty clothes. Auntie Ino spent so much money!"

"Listen to me Naruto, you don't have to change anything about yourself. She won't be around anymore I promise," Shikamaru held him close as he spoke comforting words. "We'll even go out and buy you an entirely new wardrobe. Auntie Ino will be there cheering you on, okay?"

"I want you there too, I like it when you pick clothes for me," Naruto babbled as he looked up at him. "You'll find me pretty outfits too, right?" 

"Of course, baby, stop crying no one will tell you to ever stop wearing your clothing. I'll be damned." 

That seemed to calm him down and they spent the rest of the night binge eating as Naruto was still feeling a bit weak. The next couple of weeks picked up as Naruto got brighter and brighter. He clung to Shikamaru when they went out, he begged for attention and Shikamaru indulged him. He would pat Naruto on the head, stroke his hair, and kiss his cheeks. He was insatiable but Shikamaru found him adorable, like a puppy who was eager for treats in the form of clothing and food. 

Today was no different. 

Naruto was being spoilt by his big brother as they ate in their usual ramen restaurant. Naruto was on his fifth bowl, his mouth messy with spicy broth and clutching his stuffy. Shikamaru was beside him finding cartoons for the blonde to watch as he idly played in his hair. 

"You two look so cute together," A waitress commented as she picked up the empty bowls from their table. "I have a little sister just like yours and she's always so hungry." 

Shikamaru didn't have the heart to correct her, especially when Naruto was smiling at her. "Really, they really know how to dig into our pockets." 

"I know right, I'll have your next two bowls out soon, okay?" She said as she bounced on her feet to continue her job. Upon hearing that more ramen was coming Naruto started to bounce from side to side, his hair following him as he quickly wiped his mouth. 

"You do cost a lot of money, I won't lie," Shikamaru ruffled his hair as Naruto stuck his tongue out at him. "Cheeky brat," Shikamaru pinched his cheek and Naruto whined playfully. "But I love you."

"Love you too Oni-chan!" 

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