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Definition: Deredere characters are usually very sweet and energetic. They are seen most of the time in a cheerful and happy mood and they tend to spread joyfulness to the ones around them. No matter what may happen, they quickly revert to their cheerful self. The biggest difference between other dere types is that deredere characters don't find it strange for someone else to be getting along with the person they love, as long as they're not doing anything harmful to them. They're alright even if their love interest starts dating someone else because that's just how kind they are. As long as they are happy, the deredere won't start up a huge fuss with whatever happens in the end. The derriere archetype differs from the other dere types by its usual acceptance if the love interest rejects them since this dere type is purely lovey-dovey almost all the time.

Naruto giggled as she splashed some of her friends with the seawater. It was utter chaos as the blonde was a ball of energy. She posed for pictures with her girl best friends who were all clinging to her. Naruto's bikini was beautiful and certainly made her a sight to behold at the beach that day but luckily her friends banded together to ward off any creeps. 

Though one person in her friend group was annoyed, constantly so

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Though one person in her friend group was annoyed, constantly so. She was jealous but would never admit it. But she didn't need to admit it, her attitude spoke for herself. The only reason she felt confident was that she managed to snatch Naruto's crush Shikamaru. But she was still jealous because it was obvious their friends kept pushing them to be in intimate situations. She was livid when Naruto began to Snapchat with Shikamaru who was smitten with her open and honest personality and bubbly persona. 

Naruto was just honestly happy to be out for the entire with her closest friends. They rented a beach house and today was day 1 of their vacation. She was a bit mopey that all her friends were couples and she was the only single one in the bunch. She made it her mission to get a boyfriend! Though the person she wanted to be with was taken, she would never do that to Temari. It was wrong and she wouldn't want any other girl to encroach on her relationship. She slowly distanced herself from the group and began chatting with a shy boy who was under an umbrella wearing a hoodie and beach shorts. 

The male was confused as this overly friendly girl with a rocking body and tan chatted him up. "Let's go play, build a sandcastle with me," Naruto cheered as she pulled the boy from under the umbrella as gathered some of her beach toys. Yes, she was that childish but the male thought it was cute. He decided to spend time with her and straightened his posture so he was now towering over her and pulled his hoodie off to showcase his tattoo sleeves. 

"Alright, I'll play with you blondie," He agreed while he eyed her properly once again. Naruto was shamelessly checking him out as well. 

"Your face tattoos are so cool!" Naruto gushed as she walked around him, poking at his body

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"Your face tattoos are so cool!" Naruto gushed as she walked around him, poking at his body. "The ones littered on your body are also amazing as well." 

"You think so? All the pretty ladies run for the hills but you're the only one that's still here," Sukuna smirked. Naruto tilted her head and smiled. 

"Well I guess this is the start of something new," Naruto said cheekily and Sukuna caressed her head. 

They built sandcastles, Sukuna being a somewhat monster when it comes to competition, Naruto's castle was small and detailed but Sukuna outclassed her and she pouted, turning her head away. Sukuna saw this and tried to console her but he ultimately became a champion by 'accidentally' knocking the sandcastle over. They laughed about all of it and made a new one together which garnered a lot of attention, mostly from males who were enthralled by Naruto's large breasts swinging as she moved around excitedly. Sukuna scared them away though as his energy was oozing that he was the boyfriend. 

Naruto's friends eventually realized their blonde sunshine was missing and saw her chatting up this scary-looking dude. Temari watched keenly as Shikamaru fisted his hands. She scoffed and the Nara turned to her. "Something wrong?" 

"Oh? You're asking me, you're acting like Naruto's boyfriend instead of mine. Look at you, getting jealous. It makes me sick," Temari snarled as she marched off towards Naruto and her new friend and stomped on their castle. Naruto looked crestfallen as all their hard work was ruined. Sukuna wasn't going to watch his new friend cry and got up in her face. 

The rest of the group rushed over as Sukuna raised his hand to hit Temari. Shikamaru pushed Temari behind him and Sukuna looked Shikamaru in the eye. "This your bitch?" Sukuna asked as he narrowed his eyes. Naruto's sniffling could be heard. "Seems she has a problem with my girl." 

'My girl," Shikamaru and Naruto voiced internally but for completely different reasons. Shikamaru was pissed this dude had to audacity to claim Naruto like that but Naruto was melting on the inside. She knew what those words implied. 

"Naruto is in our friend group, I don't know what got over my girlfriend but we'll sort this out ourselves," Shikamaru said sternly as he gave Temari a dirty glance. Sukuna chuckled coldly. 

"Friends? I didn't think friends would be so cruel," He mumbled. "Hey bitch, what's your deal with my blondie?" 

Temari gritted her teeth as jealously overwhelmed her. Naruto always got the best of things, she had snatched Shikamaru but the male was attached to the blonde and now the tall stack of pure muscle was defending her. "No answer? How pathetic." 

"I'm sick of her! Shikamaru likes her!" She blurted out and Naruto's eyes widened. She had chosen to hide behind Sukuna as the male had a large frame for her small body. "She's always so bubbly and seeing this idiot drool over her is annoying." 

"I don't like Naruto and I never will," Shikamaru's voice was firm and something inside Naruto broke, she began crying quietly but Sukuna could feel her trembling frame. 

"That's a good thing then," Sukuna interjected as Shikamaru realized that Naruto's sobbing could be heard. "You won't mind me pursuing her then. She's got quite the personality." 

"Wait a minute you asshole-" 

Sukuna stopped him by holding out his hand. "Excuse me? I'm the asshole? I'm not the one who crushed an innocent girl's heart. It's quite obvious what's going on with you." 

The two males had a quick conversation through their eyes. Shikamaru balled his fists again when he went and got Naruto's beach bag and handed it over to Sukuna. Sukuna shouldered the heavy pack and led Naruto away from her friends. The blonde looked back and gave them a tearful smile. 

Even when rejected Naruto was still always smiling. 

As soon as they were gone Shikamaru gave Temari one look and spoke. "We're done, you're insane. If I loved Naruto I would've asked her out." 

Temari got angry again and chased after Shikamaru while their friends stood there awkwardly.

"Sukuna you didn't have to say all that," Naruto blubbered as she dried her tears. Sukuna hummed in thought before deciding to kiss her softly on the lips. Naruto froze as she dropped her hands. He pulled away with a small smile. 

"You underestimate me, not good," Sukuna pulled her into his arms and held her close. "I wasn't saying that all for show. I want you to be my girl, my blondie." 

Naruto broke out into a smile and nodded. 

"Good now let's get rid of that Shikamaru fellow from your mind."  

A/N- Y'know female Naruto x Sukuna might not be so bad. Granted I wanted a hot male and this is the first thing that popped up so I used it but still. Nice pair!

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