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Modern AU

Definition- Kanedere characters are the anime and manga equivalent of a gold digger. They often just care about how much money a person has, and nothing else. However, if they truly love someone the habit can be broken. They will ignore or treat someone with despise until they find out that this person can be a source of profit and they can get something out of them.

Shikamaru gladly handed over his credit card to his gold-digging boyfriend Naruto. Many would just assume he was whipped with the blonde's ethereal beauty or others would speculate he was wonderful in bed. He was studying psychology and he knew what he was looking at when he saw people cross his eyes. His long-term boyfriend Naruto from the first year of high school was a gold digger. He didn't hide it and made it known that should anyone try to pursue him them they should get ready to complain to the bank on why so many purchases were coming through on it.

But what many didn't see about Naruto was so painfully obvious that he wanted to bash anyone who said anything bad about the blonde. Naruto was an orphan, his things were always taken away and he only sucked up to people who could've made the orphanage a better living environment if even only for a night. When he had decided to take Naruto out he was honestly surprised by Naruto's intimate knowledge of food and drinks from fancy restaurants and how they were prepared. When he asked he was met with a response that was so heartbreaking that it solidified his determination to take Naruto seriously.

"Well, bread and milk get boring and tasteless. I always wanted to eat the good stuff, rice, meat, each all prepared in such different ways. It's expensive but I don't care you're buying me the meals."

This blonde wanted to live an upscale life and he didn't care what he had to do if it meant he got new clothes and jewelry and good food on the table. He scowled at anyone he determined to not have any use to him. When they had crossed paths it was after a string of males complained that Naruto sucked them dry of their money. He was curious and maybe he did like the way the blonde looked so he asked him out. Naruto looked him over with the most calculating glare before it softened in a gentle smile. "Good luck."

And 5 years later in the last year of their college and he was happy with how things were going. He paid for Naruto's schooling, the blonde wasn't stupid and had some real talent with his hands despite cursing every time he got out of cosmetology classes. They were currently outside in the courtyard with Naruto playing games while curled up in Shikamaru's lap who was going over notes for a quiz he had in the evening.

"Can we go shopping after your quiz?" Naruto asked as his nails clicked buttons at a rapid pace creating a steady sound that Shikamaru found relaxing. He planted a kiss on the blonde's forehead and nodded distractedly as he honed in on his notes.

"Still have my black card?" Shikamaru asked as he flipped a page. Naruto was staring at him with a contemplative look on his face.

"I do, Shikamaru looks at me for a second," Naruto said pausing his game. Shikamaru looked at him but Naruto could see he was still running through information in his head.

"Something wrong puddin'?"

Naruto bit his lip and looked down a bit as he tried asking what he wanted to know. "Do you..did you ever think about the possibility of me cheating on you?"

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at the question and tilted his head a bit. "You're a gold digger not a whore. Your loyal to the man with the fattest bank and so far you can't even make a dent in my fortune. You're not cheating."

"But what if I was? What would you do about it?" Naruto pressed, Shikamaru gave him a firm look. Someone had said something to his blonde beauty or he overheard something of the sort. It must've affected him since he was asking him about it when over the years he never batted an eye to anyone.

"Naruto who said something to you? Or did you overhear something about our situation?"

Naruto looked like he was about to cry but he was holding back as he gave a blank stare. "That girl in your class. Subaku, approached me when she found out about us dating. She said that since she was your type then she would take you from me since she wasn't a gold-digging whore like me. I tried to ignore her but then she kept going on and on about how you must be charmed by me even though you know I'm not loyal to you and that you need a push in the right direction to leave me. I-I couldn't ignore that. It made me wonder if you thought that about me and if you did think I was cheating then why would you stay."

Naruto started crying but he continued talking. "The first year of us dating I was in it for the money but the more I hung around you to more I liked you beyond your money and-and I tried being your boyfriend too. Becoming intimate when I felt it was right and going along with whatever you suggested because I wanted to do it right. I fell in love with you but I didn't know how to tell you that I wasn't interested in the money anymore and just wanted you."

'Silly blonde, you ruined your make-up,' Shikamaru thought fondly as Naruto cried in his lap. He opened his bag and looked for the make-up wipes he's now unconsciously used to carrying around for his beloved boyfriend. He took out three and cleaned his face through his wailing and held him while he got it out of his system.

"I'm sorry, please don't leave me. I don't want your money anymore," Naruto pleaded in his chest. Shikamaru hushed him down to hiccups so he could take.

"I never once thought you would cheat on me. I trusted you wholeheartedly because deep down I know you care about the ones who care about you. Despite your declaration that you were a gold digger you never once made it into a big fit when I said I couldn't get something for you that you wanted. You never became entitled to my money nor behave selfishly when I said you should stop shopping at a certain point. Besides I wasn't surprised by your persona because of how you grew up. I won't dive into that but I know you're a smart baby so you should get my picture. I decided to continue funding you because I wanted you to be happy and if shopping on my dime makes you happy then so be it. And here we are, I love you Naruto and you love me."

Naruto remained silent but still clung to him before popping his head out. "Just to be clear you're still paying for my college. Afterward, I'll become your housewife, your darling housewife."

Shikamaru chuckled and kissed him heavily and Naruto accepted it wholeheartedly. He was happy he found someone to love, even if he started only loving their money. "We still have to get married, however," Shikamaru said after pulling back.

"Ring shopping!" Naruto cheered and kissed his cheek before taking out his phone to do research. "I'll pick a matching set for us, it's gonna cost a pretty penny but I want to customize one."

As he rambled on about wedding rings he caught sight of Temari and the end of the courtyard and Shikamaru glared and flipped her off.

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