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Modern AU

Definition- Himedere demands to be treated like royalty by their loved ones, they can really be princesses or only think that they are in a higher position than others. Consequently, they should be treated as such and admired by those they think are inferior to them. They put themselves first in any situation, not caring about others. The only exception is the one they love, although they may hide their love for their love interest at first.

"Ino that's the third time I'm seeing you in those shoes, did your card start declining again?" Naruto asked as he dropped himself into Shikamaru's lap. Ino sneered a bit at the long-haired blonde who has always been close to her childhood best friend and uses him as a throne. Shikamaru didn't even register Naruto on his lap anymore as he was reading the latest news on Shogi on his phone. 

"Hey Naruto, no I'm not short on money quite frankly I like these shoes," She retorted with a fake smile. Naruto, Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji have always been close. But Naruto and Shikamaru have been closer since their parents were childhood best friends as well. 

"The only thing that should be repeated in an outfit is the jewelry but you do you," Naruto said with a small cringe at the end. Then muttered under his breath. "I see Sakura has been influencing you again." 

She could feel the vein throbbing in her head but refused to bite back as it wouldn't go anywhere and she didn't feel like going back and forth with someone who has a princess complex. Shikamaru has been enabling it for years and it pissed her off to no end as any potential new friends would run for the hills when Naruto's nitpicking tore them to shreds. It was insufferable to be under the blonde's calculating blue gaze that seemed to enjoy watching you squirm and ultimately you at some point get enthralled by it that you worship him. 

If Ino and Choji didn't have a backbone they would've been spineless against his consistent pressuring of them. Shikamaru was a different case, it seemed Naruto had him from the start when they were toddlers when they first met. Naruto would whine until he got his way with the Nara and Shikamaru being the type to avoid confrontation fell into the habit of giving the blonde whatever he wanted. It was a constant back and forth that still made her dizzy to this day. It had evolved to the point Naruto had certain perks in the school. 

Nobody would scold him because quite frankly his parents were funding the school so he could get away with calling the teachers disgusting nicknames and even airing dirty laundry that he found out which made teachers quit in shame. Others who could endure the shame would be subjected to Naruto taunting them in class, many of the students were afraid of Naruto but would grovel at his feet whenever he approached them asking for something they could provide. Naruto's beauty also made him an asshole. 

For as long as Ino could remember Naruto had gained an unhealthy obsession with his looks and was often on insane diets and workout routines. She could never pinpoint when it started but she knew Shikamaru was the reason he stopped. That's another thing as well. Shikamaru knows why Naruto acts the way he does and there's a reason he chooses to continue enabling it. Shikamaru was always the guy with a plan and he had plans laid out for all of them when it came to inheriting the four-way partnership their parents had. Ino and Choji knew Shikamaru had a plan for Naruto since the blonde cannot go on acting like this. 

Shikamaru himself said it to their faces when Naruto was there. "I have plans for Naruto, plans that I plan to keep to myself until it's time." 

So if he was enabling it then that must be part of the plan, right?


"You know you should put your feet down, your panties are showing," Shikamaru said as he copied his notes into Naruto's book. He was sitting at the teacher's desk while Naruto had his feet up on a student's desk, legs open. Naruto huffed and crossed his leg over the other while continuing to play his game. "Did anything change today?"

"I can't remember the last time father and mother looked at me around the table," Naruto said, rolling his eyes. "Doesn't matter."

"It does, I care about you," Shikamaru said looking up back at him briefly which made the blonde blush. He smiled at Naruto and looked back down at their notes. 

"You know I can see it in their eyes and I wonder about it myself sometimes," Naruto started. "Doesn't mean I feel awful for how I am I just wonder why you put up with me. Ino scowls at me and Choji just ignores me. Yet you enable me to do what I want." 

"I thought that reason would be obvious by now," Shikamaru said with a slight chuckle. "You are a princess and deserve to act like one. I'm just your humble servant." 

"Your not a servant, my throne yes, but not my servant," Naruto said with a small smile. 

"I'm literally copying my notes into your book. I am a fucking servant, now back to your game," Shikamaru said waving him off. Naruto smiled and unpaused his game. 

Shikamaru however had gone back down a rabbit hole of childhood memories. There was a reason for every action he did and enabling Naruto was by far in his opinion the best he ever made. Naruto had parents but it wasn't like he could run to them with his troubles. They ignored him, neglected him and Naruto learned that the only way he could get any attention was to whine and scream until he got it. 

Shikamaru noted the aloof way his mother handled him. Like he was just this beautiful doll who was the poster boy of their company and nothing more. Just a prop to increase sales and damn Naruto's face did make the company grow. So he started to act out which got his parent's attention for a while as his mother would have an aneurysm whenever he fell and bruised his body. Once they realized he was doing it for the attention they begun to ignore him again so Naruto turned to his friends. 

Shikamaru watched their large circle dwindle down back to the four of them again but he didn't care, he heard Naruto's cry so he responded. He gave him attention, did anything Naruto asked of him and as time went on he started to fall in love with what was turning out to be a selfish, entitled, glorified femboy. Along the way, Naruto did trip in his heels at times. Such was the time he took on a borderline unhealthy diet just to stay the same waist length and it took months for Shikamaru to break him out of it. Naruto was obsessed with his looks, something his mother drilled into him. 

'If you aren't pretty everyone will leave you. It doesn't matter if you're the kindest soul in the world. Beauty speaks, ugly doesn't.'

Naruto took those words and Shikamaru has yet to succeed in breaking him out of it. But Naruto's traits were turning out to be the worse but he knew Naruto deep down and Naruto was always genuine when it came to him. They weren't officially in a relationship but they could both acknowledge the sexual tension. He still chuckled when a female named Temari tried to ask him out. Naruto was livid and he promised vengeance for even approaching when it was obvious they had a thing going on. 

"For fuck's sake don't you see me in his lap every free period!" Naruto yelled at her. 

The revenge however was something that drove Temari and her two brothers out of the school and had set the tone for what's to come should anyone approach Shikamaru with romantic intentions. 

Naruto was a princess, a princess enabled by his childhood friend and soon-to-be lover who saw his plight and decided he deserved to act the way he does for attention. Shikamaru had a plan to eventually curb Naruto's princess behavior before it spun out of control and it started with them dating. But that wasn't for the next 6 months. Until then Naruto was an entitled princess with a humble servant he can lean on. 

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