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Definition: Kiredere characters are characters who try to get their love interest to improve themselves by acting very harshly towards them, like an overly critical personal trainer. They figure that making rude comments will make their love interest reflect upon themselves, but it usually just makes them feel hurt. A kiredere can target a number of different factors that they find unpleasant in their love interest and will act accordingly. For example, if they think that they are unfit, they might make them start lifting weights or will limit their diet. Even though their love interest will probably think that they do these things because they hate them, they do it because they don't want to see them get sick or hurt because they aren't strong enough to properly defend themselves.

"You should probably stop eating so much," Shikamaru snapped. "You're overeating and one day you'll make yourself drop into a food coma." 

Naruto paused. His eyes glanced over to Shikamaru who had this disgusted look on her face. He looked down at his favorite bowl of ramen and pushed it away. Shikamaru hummed in approval before turning back to pay the bill before they headed out. When Shikamaru went in to hug the blonde she noted how skinny he was. "You should lift weights and have a proper diet." 

Naruto blinked and decided not to comment on her words. It was weird, to say the least. 

The next day when Naruto woke up he found that somebody was moving around in his apartment. He headed out to the living space to see Shikamaru throwing out all his junk food. "Woah, Woah, Woah! Shikamaru what are you doing?! I spent a lot of money on that."

"I can reimburse you dumbass but starting now you're getting healthy!" She snapped. "Ugh, why do you have to be such a junk food slob?" It was a rhetorical question as she was still moving around and making comments under her breath but it stuns Naruto's insecurities. He knew Shikamaru wasn't like that but he couldn't help not feeling hurt. He just let her continue and dipped back into his bedroom to freshen up. 

Shikamaru looked over the cookbook she brought as she began cooking brunch for the two of them while the shower running in the background. She bit her lip quietly as she thought about the actions she was taking. It was all to benefit Naruto so she didn't mind being the one in the relationship that had to be brutal. So with her mind at ease, she began cooking a healthy brunch. Naruto emerged out of the bathroom looking somewhat at peace. Seeing his sweetheart cook a homemade meal made him feel giddy so he placed the harsh comment on the back burner as he took in this new side of his girlfriend. 

The next comment came when Shikamaru woke him up after class. He got up with a yawn but was taken aback when Shikamaru flipped through his notebook. "Naruto stop playing video games during the week and get some proper rest. At this rate, you're going to fail out of school." 

"Shikamaru I'm fine, I'm not failing any classes," Naruto defended but Shikamaru was doubtful. 

"Just listen to me and stop playing video games during the week," She scowled, Naruto's eyes narrowed at her, and Shikamaru was taken aback by his hostile nature. 

"Just leave me alone, as long as I'm not failing then I don't care. I'm certainly not top of the class like you and Sasuke," The blonde shot. It was the first time he had ever snapped back at Shikamaru and it shows because Shikamaru's expression was one of surprise. 

"What's wrong with you?" 

"No what's wrong you?" Naruto asked as he tried to keep his voice down. "Why are you being such a bitch lately? What happened to the laid-back girl who was going with the flow?" 

"I'm being a bitch? The things I told you to do have been making you better," Shikamaru hissed. 

"Yeah, only because I want to keep the peace. I hate working out, your cooking is lovely but I hate vegetables. And that comment about me overeating was so insensitive and hurtful, especially when you criticized my body without care. Telling me I wasted my money on junk food when my budget only allows for junk food is practically you shoving your money in my face. I don't know what happened to you but if this is how things are going to be then we need a break," Naruto sighed and got up, grabbing his notebook from her hands before leaving her behind. 

Naruto loved Shikamaru, he really did love her. She was way out of his league but he took his shot anyway and was surprised Shikamaru accepted him despite them being on obvious ends of the social ladder. Shikamaru was meant to be an independent woman, a corporate ball breaker from an Ivy League college whereas Naruto's education would stop at high school. He would become someone good with his hands, maybe earning a sports scholarship to a foreign college because of his tall skinny frame. If that failed he would earn minimum wage and be content as he could afford the little things he wanted in life if he was smart. Maybe become a streamer since he spent hours behind the monitors instead of paying attention to school. Point being they were destined for different things but they loved each other despite the loom of high school graduation. 

Shikamaru teared up as she realized that all she had done was poke at Naruto's insecurities in an insensitive way instead of just explaining her concerns in a calm manner. She sat in Naruto's seat as she sat and cried. She didn't know how long she stayed there but she knew she fell asleep as she woke up in Naruto's bed. She was in her favorite pair of Naruto's clothes when she slept over. Her hair was down and the bangs gave her a softer look as she got out of bed and into the main area to see Naruto trying and failing at cooking. 

They stared at each other for a moment but it seemed that while Naruto did carry her home he was still set in his argument from earlier as he looked away from her and continued to cook. Shikamaru started crying again. "I'm sorry Naruto, I should've explained myself better but I wanted you to be healthier because I want to always have you by my side." 

"Shikamaru," Naruto sighed. "Let's talk." 

She hurried over and sat by the island while Naruto served curry, Shikamaru noted there were no offering vegetables. She smiled at that thought. "What brought on all this change? Are you trying to control me?" 

"No! Never! I just wanted you to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I figured you would only respond to change if I was harsh so you would self-reflect. That was a terrible idea as it now puts the thought of you responding to abuse well into my mind and that was not my intention,"
 Shikamaru cringed as she realized how fucked up her method was. 

"Look I know you care but I know my body," Naruto fired back. "I will admit some of the things you imposed did have positive outcomes and I will continue some but never, ever do that again. If you are concerned about me then talk to me Shikamaru." 

"I will, I'm so sorry." 

"It might take some time but we can work through this together," Naruto pulled her closer and kissed her lips softly before letting her go. 

"Thank you Naruto," She said with a grateful smile. 

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