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Definition: A "Nyandere" is a dere type that is cat-related or is very obsessed with them, to the point where they act like them sometimes or all the time when their "dere" side appears. They might even be nekojin, which is part-cat and part-human. When they are expressing love, they might say "nya~" to show their loving feelings.

"Shikamaru I'm home!" Naruto yelled out as he closed the apartment door and toed off his shoes. He looked around curiously as the hybrid wasn't hanging around his cat scratching tree. He hummed quietly as he dropped off the groceries in the kitchen before heading around to the bathroom. He undressed from his suit and took a warm shower before finally going to his bedroom. A lump was under the sheets and Naruto knew it was Shikamaru. 

Shikamaru was one of the troublesome hybrids, the animal center practically throwing him at Naruto when the blonde expressed interest in his lazy demeanor. Shikamaru was low maintenance as he was self-efficient. Naruto often leaves him alone whenever he goes on business trips that and he could talk, short simple phrases between his 'nya~' he figured Shikamaru was smart as he picked up on the human tongue. He pulled on nightclothes before lifting the sheets and burying them in the warmth. Shikamaru's body heat was incredible and the cat snuggled up to him. 

"Naru?" A soft voice called out, on the brink of deep sleep. 

"I'm home baby, thanks for trying to stay up for me," Naruto caressed Shikamaru's ears as the hybrid climbed into his lap. Soft thighs straddling him as Shikamaru's slit eyes gazed into his. Naruto gulped slightly at the body in front of him. Shikamaru only wore his clothes, something the hybrid did on his own, refusing to wear the clothes Naruto bought him unless they were going out in public. Shikamaru in hybrid years would be 18 but since he was mistreated before his growth was stunted a bit. He was short but he fit in Naruto's arms perfectly. 

There was another reason the animal center wanted to get rid of Shikamaru before his heat came around. Shikamaru was in a sexual trade before being rescued. Out of all the rescued hybrids, Shikamaru was the only one who refused to mate with anyone unless they were human. Naruto felt that they were meant to be, it was illegal for hybrids and humans to love each other but they did it in secret. So Naruto pulled his lover down into a goodnight kiss. Shikamaru hooked his claws into Naruto's shirt as the blonde smoothed him down, pulling at his tail a bit as the blonde turned them over. 

"Nya~" Shikamaru moaned as Naruto pushed his shirt up to get to his thick puffy nipples. The blonde suckled them lovingly as he went down further, hooking his thumb into Shikamaru's underwear before removing it. He palmed himself through his boxers as he saw Shikamaru's arousal. His little hybrid was leaking his slick into the mattress. "Naruto, please?" Shikamaru opened his legs further. 

"One-second baby, have to get you ready," Naruto panted heatedly as he buried his face in Shikamaru's entrance, it gushed as he dipped his tongue inside. Shikamaru tore at the sheets, his head tossed to the side as he let out sultry wails that had Naruto throbbing. It didn't take long however as he and Shikamaru had been passionate yesterday. He turned the hybrid on all fours and caged him in as he slipped inside the heated caverns of the half-human creature. 

A/N- Did I just dip into the Hybrid AU? Oh, dear...

He held Shikamaru's thigh while his other hand balanced on the headboard as he took his special person. Shikamaru's tail wrapped around Naruto's wrist as he cried out, tears of pleasure swimming down his face as he moved his hips in time to Naruto's heavy thrusts. He was going mad with desire as the blonde bit his sensitive ears, his boy pussy gushed when Naruto bit down on them, sucking the sting away in a way that drove him over the edge. He moaned, he meowed, wailed, and cried out his owner's name as he came in the sheets. Naruto groaned as Shikamaru clamped down on him. It was just a quick session so he didn't mind that he was coming early as well. He poured himself inside Shikamaru, the hybrid moaning about being pregnant. Naruto wasn't sure if Shikamaru could get pregnant but if he did he would want to see how they looked combined. 

He pulled out of the other and scooped him up in his arms to carry to the bathroom. He ran the warm bath water and cleaned his lover up. Shikamaru was now satisfied as he needed some sexual attention every night to tire out. As he cleaned Shikamaru out of the hybrid kept licking his neck, his body trembling as he can't help but get turned on from being fingered open. It was tempting to take him again but what made him fold was when Shikamaru kissed him, pushing his chest against his and soaking him wet. Shikamaru's sneaky tail began to dig into his shorts, wrapping around his length and stroking it to full mast. "Master, more," Shikamaru moaned as Naruto grabbed his hips and pulled him out of the bathtub and into his lap. The blonde sat on the edge of the tub as he allowed Shikamaru to sink down on him, admiring his kitty's screwed-up face filled with lewdness. 

He moaned as he rode Naruto, it was fast and quick as Shikamaru wasn't one to play the slow game when he was on top. Watching his kitten's slutty boy pussy suck him in with each thrust was such a turn and judging from Shikamaru whining Naruto knew his cock had expanded inside him. He could see Shikamaru slowing down, his lazy tendencies showing up and Naruto decided to finish it off as he got up, Shikamaru squealing as he was planted against the wall and fucked into as he clung to Naruto's back, adding scratch marks to already faded ones as his legs were held over the blonde's board shoulders. "Master! Master!" 

"Fuck, call me that all the time baby," Naruto moaned as he marked up Shikamaru's neck all while pulling at his tits. The hybrid buckled and sobbed as he squirted all over himself, his body turning stiff with his orgasm but Naruto wasn't done, he drove Shikamaru into overstimulation by finding his prostate and nailing it. Shikamaru's tears were licked up by the blonde who had a rush of blood pooling into his cock as he witness Shikamaru falling apart, his grip on his back becoming loose. 

He buried himself at the hilt, offloading his semen into the deepest parts of Shikamaru, he noted that he had pushed his cock into a special place as he stayed hooked inside that place as he poured himself there. Shikamaru's widened eyes gave him a hint. It would seem Shikamaru was a male omega cat hybrid. Such a rarity in Naruto's lap and he might've impregnated him. "Babies, our babies," Shikamaru babbled as his cervix burned with Naruto's hot semen. "Master came inside my baby machine." 

Naruto's cock throbbed at his words and pulled out slowly, he watched in fascination as Shikamaru's hole couldn't keep it all inside him, messing up the floor. "Looks like we're gonna have little ones soon." 

Shikamaru purred and rubbed his stomach in anticipation. 

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