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Modern AU

Definition- A Yottadere is a character that is noteworthy for their constant drinking of alcohol. It is very rare that a yottadere will be sober, and they usually only become sober when they are with their loved one. Some get very angry and violent when drunk; others just pass out. If they find a partner, they often will stop drinking a lot suddenly. They might also do the contrary, starting to drink more in the first phases of becoming love-struck if they don't understand their feelings towards someone at first or deny it before lowering their drinking habits for the other person.

"Cutie like you shouldn't be in the bar alone," A new voice said from the right side of Shikamaru who turned to see a man who was well on his way to the deep end. Sake bottles laid about but the man looked like he wasn't feeling the effect of the drinks.

"Old perverts like yourself should mind your own business," Shikamaru snapped back, he was pissed and needed a drink. 

"Did someone break your heart, you young souls always come to bars looking for relief," The blonde gave a lecherous smirk but he wasn't looking at Shikamaru and the Nara shivered. "Come on pretty cheeks, ain't nothing wrong with telling a stranger."

Shikamaru pouted as he looked over at the older man who was quite the handsome man. Tan skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, his body was muscular and he was such a tall person. Shikamaru was smaller, with fair skin, bordering on pale and with dark hair. His body was lean and he liked his feminine clothing. He tilted his head as the mysterious blonde held out his hand. Shikamaru took it and squeaked as he was pulled and made to sit on one of the blonde's thighs. 

Shikamaru had to steady himself by hanging onto the man's arms. "Name's Naruto Uzumaki, CEO of Namikaze Enterprises. Who is this bundle of fluff?" 

"Shikamaru Nara," He said in a low tone. 

"Gonna tell me what made you come in here, would you like comfort?" Naruto asked as he placed a kiss on his neck. Shikamaru gasped as it was his weak point. 

"I got dumped, real asshole threw 3 years down the drain and was cheating," Shikamaru teared up just remembering all that Sasuke said to him. "Fucking bastard." 

"Hmm sounds like something I can help with," Naruto said as he downed the sake from the bottle itself before bringing Shikamaru into an open mouth kiss. The Nara moaned in surprise before he closed his eyes and draped his arms over the blonde's shoulder. He could taste the sake on the other's tongue, it was a delicious flavor, the man had taste in drinks he could give him that. 

If it wasn't for the bastard called Sasuke he wouldn't be here getting preyed upon by an older man who could be his father, he wouldn't be itching to have this man between his legs, this stranger that tasted like a liquor store. He would feel this surge of energy when Naruto grabbed his hips and caressed them down to his ass. He pulled back with a dazed expression as Naruto licked his lips with a knowing gleam. 

Shikamaru warmed to those large hands caressing his body, he panted as they ran over his sensitive skin. Naruto called for another bottle but this time he was sharing the bottle whenever Naruto placed it at his lips. "So what's your answer princess? Want me to fuck your ex out of your mind?" 

Shikamaru nodded and very clumsily placed his lips back on the others. Naruto had picked up a lightweight. 'No matter, with the amount of drinking I do he's gonna catch up real quick.'


Naruto was drinking as he typed out the monthly business report, quiet footsteps made their way over to him and picked up the mug he had with coffee laced with American Vodka. he heard a long drink before it was placed back down. "Sleep well sugar?" 

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