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Modern AU

Definition- Shundere refers to a character who is sad and very depressed. While a full smile on the Shundere character's face might be out of the question, their love interest can help them open up and feel accepted. They have a tendency to ignore and avoid other people. 

A broken doll. 

That's what Naruto Uzumaki was in the eyes of Shikamaru Nara. A broken doll, beautiful, immaculate but had a manufacturing defect. Dull blue eyes, hollow without a pupil to be seen. He was enraptured by the look, not that he would admit it to his friends. They were idiots, couldn't appreciate true beauty when it was in their presence. He would watch the blonde to make sure nobody causes him trouble but even those who tried to talk to Naruto got ignored. He avoided the college population like a plague. 

Today it was nearing winter, the first snowfall and he had managed to catch Naruto gazing at the fall of snow in the park that was on the way to school. He was dressed scantily from what Shikamaru could see under the heavy coat that was left open and he was enthralled by the sheer sexiness of it. How could someone so depressed still have the sanity to make sure they eat properly, dress up beautifully and take care of their hair all while looking so dead? It made him giddy just a bit, he had to admit Naruto was his type when it came to features but it was his eyes and whiskers that really made him like the other. 

That and the fact Naruto didn't like to hassle himself, he was depressed so he was quiet and Shikamaru liked quiet. His friends would surely try and steer him away from the perfectly placed together mess that was Naruto to someone brass like Temari. He didn't have a thing for being subtly abused by a feminist. He had a thing for soft boys in dresses that were delicate in nature. He wanted a tan porcelain doll and he was looking at it. 

He got closer to Naruto and noted he was just staring blankly at the falling snow

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He got closer to Naruto and noted he was just staring blankly at the falling snow. And with how scantily he was dressed he figured he was cold. "Naruto?" He called out softly, the long-haired blonde closed his eyes and sighed quietly. 

Naruto's eyes turned to him, not his body just his eyes. Those blank eyes pierced the other's very being and everything he stood for. "The boy who likes me, hello," It was said in a tired slight drawl. "Isn't school starting?"

"It is but you seemed much more interesting and you are so I stopped," Shikamaru responded honestly. 

"Because you like me?" 

"I do, I really do like you," Shikamaru found himself saying much to his surprise. 'Those damn eyes are a witchcraft that I've fallen into.' 

"Why?" Naruto shrugged which made his coat drop off his shoulders. Shikamaru noted that the blonde shivered a bit but nothing more. 

"Because you're a damn aesthetic and I love it." 

That earned a slight smile, barely a twitch of the mouth but it was there. Shikamaru grinned at it and called it a victory. "You stare at me a lot, makes me nervous. No one bats an eye at me," Naruto looked down and shifted away from Shikamaru slightly. 

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