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Modern AU

A/B/O Dynamics

Definition- A Kitikudere is someone who acts like a bully and often mistreats others and their love interest, harming them physically or emotionally to hide their true feelings.

Shikamaru was a person who had morals. Such morals included never hurting one of a lower genetic class than him. He vowed never to be as abusive as his father growing up but something about the situation, he was in made him want to throw it out the window. Entitlement was something he never faced but how his childhood friend turned bully showed he was astonishing. 

Nobody really knew Naruto's situation but him and even though they weren't friends anymore he didn't want to be painted as an asshole for outing his living arrangements. Especially since Naruto in the eyes of everyone at school was a perfect omega. One that must be protected, they didn't know his sadistic tendencies or the fact he used his perceived lower status to his advantage in so many ways. He ignored Naruto mostly but it was hard when school was over and the blonde had intentions to hurt him. 

His ribs still ached from the blonde kicking him and using sharp tools to maim his body. He gritted his teeth because he didn't know why Naruto turned out this way. He was such a sweet one when they were kids, hours spent in the blonde's apartment watching movies, playing games, and sleeping over. Shikamaru could remember waking up to the blonde's long hair in his mouth and the smaller male clinging to his clothes. They would playhouse and he wasn't shy when Naruto wanted to kiss his cheek with a look of endearment. He missed that Naruto, the sweet one, what he was seeing now was a sadistic, twisted omega who was taking advantage of their once bond to do as he pleased. 

He has to hide these wounds from his mother, taking painkillers just to get through the day and enduring the hypocrite that played up his innocence. Naruto would rip his shoes to shreds, hide them, or when P.E was happening Naruto would hide the regular clothing that Shikamaru learned to carry extra sets with him. Today was no different but Shikamaru was fed up and so done with it all. He was done, he was going to harm the blonde in some way that was not known at the moment. 

Naruto was straddling him; they were on the floor with Naruto's hand bloody with a razor and Shikamaru's chest sliced. He focused his attention on other things while tuning the blonde's taunting out of his mind. He felt how warm Naruto was and he could feel undertones of gentleness when the blonde had his clean hand on his pectoral, it was caressing him like he was saying it's gonna be over soon as the other hand-carved into him. 

He had an amazing view of the blonde and he could feel Naruto's cunt pressed into him. His small omega cock pressed against Shikamaru's. The blonde didn't seem to be acknowledging this, he was too distracted by being an asshole. Something about Naruto pressed into him so intimately that made him think of the perfect way to get him off his back. It was disgusting, however, and a crime but at the moment Shikamaru didn't care. Finally, with the strength of alpha, he flipped them over and quickly covered his mouth. 

"Listen here you twisted son of a bitch," Shikamaru snarled as he glared right into Naruto who was looking back at him bewildered. "It's my turn to get revenge and shut that fucking mouth of yours." 

He used his free hand to hike up the blonde's skirt would have begun struggling against him, even going as far as to bite the hand around his mouth as his eyes widened at the implication Shikamaru was putting forward. "What you look scared now? Not so big and bad now, are we? Scream and I'll choke the life out of you and you know damn well no one gives a fuck about a worthless omega orphan." 

Naruto started crying at that as Shikamaru lifted his hand and tore at his outfit, his small breasts spilled out of confinement. Shikamaru was beyond the point of caring as he tore his panties and got his cock out. If he was going to get anything out of this, then he was going to wreck the blonde for all the crap he had to endure by trying to be a good person. He shoved himself inside and watched the light in Naruto's eyes die, a deep satisfaction washed over him as he forced himself on the other who had gone limp. 

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