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Modern AU

Definition-A "Darudere" refers to a character who is often very lazy and dull. They will usually ignore others and do whatever they want unless someone they care about asks them to do something or needs their help.

The bell signaling lunch rang and before the teacher could dismiss them, they had already run out. The teacher sighed and packed up as well leaving only two people in the class. One was sleeping while the other packed up and pulled out their phone to play games. "Shikamaru, wake up." 

Naruto's voice carried over to the dark-haired boy by his side. Shikamaru blinked at him and the other smiled at his boyfriend's glare. "Come on, it's your turn to get us lunch." 

"I don't want to," Even as Shikamaru said it his body was already moving towards his pocket to see if his wallet was there. The chair scraped against the ground as he got up and cracked his tired bones like an old man. "Why can't you do it and I'll do it tomorrow, I'm tired." 

"I know darling but you're already halfway out the door," Naruto said and Shikamaru did acknowledge he was now outside of the classroom. "The usual and don't be stingy with the candy." 

"Such a demanding brat," Shikamaru grumbled under his breath. He headed down the hall, ignoring everyone and rubbing the bags under his eyes. He could hear them talking about him, saying things he normally didn't bat an eye to but today was the day his mind was active and listening while his body and posture remained lax. 

"What does Naruto-senpai see in him? He's such a big meanie, just because you're smart doesn't mean you get to have a shit attitude," One lowerclassman grumbled. 

"He's so tall, I would date him but I hear he's taken. You know that cute long-haired blonde in class 3-A yeah that's his boyfriend. They look so good together." 

"Oh him? That's Shikamaru, you'll probably know him since Naruto drags him around. I swear Naruto is the only one who can make him do anything. All he does is sleep in class. I feel bad for Naruto, to have such a lazy boyfriend, I hear he takes a second set of notes for Shikamaru." 

"He's just using Naruto; he's always complaining whenever Naruto takes him around the school. Like he doesn't know how lucky he is, do you know how many people want to date Naruto-senpai but this lazy douche got him."

Shikamaru closed his mind and ordered his food before heading back to class. He didn't care what they said, only he and Naruto knew their relationship. He got back to class and dumped everything in front of the blonde. Naruto smiled and looked up but it turned to a frown. "Shikamaru are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," Shikamaru snapped before drawing in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." 

"I could never be upset with you, just tell me what's wrong," Naruto pressed as he stood up, he had to crane his neck as Shikamaru was 6'5 and Naruto was a mere 5'8. Shikamaru leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. Naruto quickly relished it and Shikamaru had successfully derailed Naruto's line of persistent questioning.


When the final bell rang Naruto packed up his and Shikamaru's things before waking the other up. "Come on Shika, it's time to go home. I'll walk you, okay?" He said sweetly, he was oblivious to the jealous looks that were pointed at them. Shikamaru however could feel it, it was like the dam was getting ready to break. 

"Come on Naruto, what do you see in him?" One of their classmates complained. Naruto turned to them with a confused look which spurred her on to explain. "He's always complaining and he's so lazy. And you take it without complaint. If you were my boyfriend, I would never treat you like this."

Others murmured in agreement and Shikamaru clenched his fists, the only sign of his anxiety. Naruto saw the gesture and he got angry. "No offense but this is my property. Shikamaru might appear lazy and dull to you guys and maybe he is but you don't know him as I do. It's my choice to choose who I love and I love Shikamaru."

Shikamaru was crying under his arms as his hands slowly unclenched. He did feel guilty at times when Naruto would complain under his breath. He would feel guilty for not being enthusiastic about new date spots or the effort Naruto placed in everything he did for them. He even felt guilty for letting Naruto do all the work in bed.

But though he felt guilty he did try to make attempts to change, at least for his long-haired angel, and in some ways he had. He found Naruto in his charger when it came to these things. He had the energy to do everything he wanted and he could see Naruto was much happier in the relationship. To see Naruto defending him so fiercely made him happy. "Wake up baby it's time to head out."

Shikamaru knew if he raised his head then Naruto would see the evidence of how their words hurt him. He smiled a bit and decided to let the blonde get angry for his sake. His reputation was already spoken with disgust since Naruto stayed by him. He lifted his head and Naruto's caring hands cupped his cheeks, feeling the leftover tears. Those bright blue eyes went dark. "Don't let's just go home."

Naruto looked like he was about to protest but Shikamaru curling his hands made him stop and nod. Shikamaru allowed Naruto to clean his face to save face in front of the remaining classmates before they headed out together. As they walked their usual route, hands locked Naruto squeezed his hand as the only wanting before Shikamaru got slapped across the face. Shikamaru endured it and didn't even flinch.

"If they ever make you cry again do not hold me back from giving them what they deserve. You don't deserve any of their harsh criticism, do you hear me?"

Shikamaru nodded meekly and Naruto smiled and caressed his cheek softly to ease the pain. They continued walking, talking about pairing up for assignments when Shikamaru squeezed his hand and pulled him into a sudden hug. Naruto's face was buried in his chest and the Uzumaki smiled at the gesture. Many might assume Shikamaru was the top but it was the other way around. Naruto just liked being perceived as an angel.

"You're a lazy ass but you aren't like that with me. You listen to me, you're energetic with me and you've become such a wonderful submissive. I'll break you in more later but for now, just keep holding me in your noodle arms."

Shikamaru laughed heartily as he held the blonde tighter in his arms. Naruto wrapped his arms around his torso and they swayed contentedly.

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