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Definition: "Zondere" is a term for a character who becomes a zombie. Zondere characters are characters who have been turned into a zombie. These characters may have full intelligence, or they may be like a stereotypical zombie that has no intelligence. Zondere characters vary widely in personality, though characters who have regained their intelligence are usually somewhat kind. Those who have not, however, are typically very violent since they are controlled by their zombie instincts.

"Shikamaru you need to kill him, you can't be seriously considering keeping him here!" Choji chastised the Nara who keep his face pressed to the glass as he watched Naruto awaken from his slumber. 

"He saved us of course he's staying here," Shikamaru hissed at his friend before he collapsed on the floor as Naruto crawled to the glass. He could still feel the warmth as the blonde pressed his hand to his on the glass. "I'm so sorry baby. This is all my fault." 

Only garbled noises could be heard in response but Naruto's eyes were startlingly clear. It would seem when Ino shot him in the throat to stun him it took out his voice box. Shikamaru started crying and Naruto made motions to dry his tears which made Shikamaru's pain even worse. "I am so sorry," He cried as Choji tried to pull him away but he was determined to stay by his lover's side. "No! Leave me here!" 

"Shikamaru you're our leader, if we can create the vaccine we can save everyone!" 

"Save everyone?" Shikamaru asked in a perplexed voice. "I never wanted to save anyone. I only wanted to keep him safe. Look how that turned out. He's the one who saved me, he sacrificed himself for the sake of me. I hate that he did this, hate him with every fiber of my being but I love him so much. I couldn't save him so what's the point of continuing?" 

Choji chilled as he looked down at his friend. His eyes were focused solely on Naruto who had tilted his forehead to press against the glass. "Shikamaru please," He begged but Shikamaru was beyond him at this point. His eyes were solely focused on the male who was slowly rotting before him. When Shikamaru had gone back for Naruto's body they thought he was insane but when he succeeded they were happy if only for a brief moment. But when he locked Naruto up and decided to keep him, they became concerned. 

The first month of having Naruto here was one of tension. His eyes were rage-filled and he fought against his confinements, only settling down when Shikamaru fed him human flesh. He hardly rotted from what they could see only to discover that Shikamaru had created a gas to slow the zombie rotting process. Naruto was still intact, still handsome just slowly turning into a shade of dark grey, a sharp contrast to his normal tan form. As time went by Naruto calmed down, his eyes becoming clearer until he could write in his blood on the walls. He was showing intelligence. He would write daily that he loved Shikamaru, that he missed their times together but understood that for his safety he needed to stay in his glass box. 

Sometimes Shikamaru would spend days in his lab, not finding a vaccine but spending time with Naruto. Choji thought it was grief processing, that Shikamaru needed time to get over it. That seeing Naruto rot would let him realize the horrors of this outbreak but he realized that no. This was no grief processing, this was Shikamaru losing his mind. Attaching affection to this new version of Naruto. Putting in stoppers to prevent him from falling apart literally should have been the red flag. Sadly it was too late. 

Shikamaru now smiled lovingly at this grotesque Naruto. Telling him stories and happily throws in human flesh to keep him healthy and strong. Sure Naruto was no longer on a wild rampage but he couldn't be trusted. Choji backed away slowly and headed back upstairs to confide in Ino who was handing out rations to the people in their bunker. He pulled her aside, his eyebrows drawn tight in concern. "I think we need to get rid of Naruto," He expressed to her, hoping that she could see reason. 

She let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. "I thought I was the only one being crazy. He's gone insane, he's even given up on making a vaccine." 

"I think we need to knock him out and take Naruto out, he's losing his mental stability as the days go on and it's unhealthy. I miss Naruto too, I know they were meant to get married before this outbreak happened but things and time have changed." 

"I agree with you but what happens after he wakes up? He's going to be off the handle." 

"I'll deal with it then, I want you to drug Shikamaru's portion tonight and I'll deal with Naruto." 

With a rough plan set in motion both turned back to their duties, unaware that Shikamaru had tapped their clothing. He was furious but he didn't care anymore. He had already made plans for this because he knew his friends better than they knew themselves. He had already secured an underground bunker for them and all he needed was the go signal. He didn't care about creating a vaccine, all he cared about now was reversing the zombification that had been done to Naruto. There was a reason he slowed his aging. 

"Don't worry I'll never let break us apart," Shikamaru promised as they headed out through the underground tunnel he dug. "I'll protect you forever and always and even if you bite me I don't care. As long as I'm with you." 

Naruto smiled at him and kissed his cheek. He couldn't say anything but his actions were enough for Shikamaru to know that he was appreciated. "I love you Naruto." 

The blonde made a heart in response to his declaration and Shikamaru knew he was making the right choice. Somewhere deep down his Naruto was still there, waiting for him to make him better. And Shikamaru would be damned if he let his future husband down. 

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