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Definition: A "Byoukidere" refers to a character who is usually very sweet and kind but suffers from a physical disease, usually a fatal one. Many byoukidere characters are confined to wheelchairs or need assistance getting around. They are often frail and weak physically. The disease causes the byoukidere to become feeble.  They are very kind, helpful, and sweet in nature. Usually, they are not aggressive when it comes to love, and tend to be shy and reserved in front of others. They tend to have two fates: One is that they die, this is, unfortunately, the more common one. The other is that they get some miraculous cure, usually at the hands of the hero. In the case of the latter, they usually end up being the ones chosen by the protagonist. 

"I'm heading home for tonight," Shikamaru explained as he paid for his drinks and got up quickly. As he headed out the door Temari was left pouting as she had failed again to attract his attention. 

"Don't worry he'll notice you," Karin smiled as she pushed her hair out of their face. 

"You do realize he has someone right," Shino spoke up. 

"What?" Temari questioned. 

"He has a lover, judging from the intimate photo he keeps as his lock screen," Shino explained. "You are his type, blonde with blue eyes but you have the wrong genitalia. He's gay." 

Temari broke down at the revelation but it was true. At the moment Shikamaru was heading home he stopped at the supermarket to buy treats that his lover liked before heading back to their apartment. Naruto was cooking when he came home, he was wheelchair-bound but he looked so happy cooking. Shikamaru kissed him and put away Naruto's favorite meals. 

"Did you go drinking as I told you to?" Naruto asked as he covered the pot and turned to him. Shikamaru sighed and nodded. 

"But I don't want to do those things. I want to spend time with you," Shikamaru ruffled his blonde hair but Naruto shook his head. 

"You need to stop being cold with your co-workers. You need people outside of me and our friend circle. Ino and Choji aren't always going to fly down and while the internet is wonderful to keep up communication you need to have bridges." 

"I know but I just want to orbit around you. You're most important to me, my precious person," Shikamaru leaned down and kissed him. Naruto kissed him back passionately and Shikamaru easily wrapped his arms around his lover and pulled him into his lap. Naruto was sick, very sick. He was on the waiting list for kidneys as he had failed due to a near-fatal car crash. His legs were paralyzed from the knee down.  He goes weekly to get dialysis but otherwise, he was happy to go lucky. They pulled away and Shikamaru hugged him tightly. 

Naruto smiled and stroked his hair. Gently pressing kisses onto his forehead. Kidneys weren't the only thing hanging over their heads either. Naruto had pancreas cancer and it seemed like he was recovering but there are moments when his health would fail and Shikamaru would be rushing to the ER. Sometimes it was severely touch and go but Naruto had always pulled through. He kept breathing, kept recovering and Shikamaru would praise any god for keeping Naruto here with him. He placed Naruto back into his wheelchair so he could finish up dinner. They ate and watched the nightly news before doing their regular routine. Shikamaru washed up the kitchen while Naruto moved to the sofa and picked up his book to continue reading. 

Shikamaru joined him on the sofa and read along with him before they settled down for bed around 10. Shikamaru helped him get ready for bed, settling him on his side of the bed before cleaning himself up and joining him. "I'm sorry," Naruto whispered softly as he stroked Shikamaru's cheek. 

"What about? Did something happen?" 

"No, I'm sorry for being a burden," He confessed as Shikamaru hovered over him. "You have expectations and I can't meet them. You entered a relationship not to be my caregiver." 

"I am not your caregiver Naruto, I am your partner and as your partner it is my duty to take care of you," Shikamaru whispered softly. "Sometimes I wonder if you forgot that I was the one who was driving when we got hit. If I had swerved inside of freezing up at the wheel you wouldn't have faced it head on." 

It was Shikamaru's turn to be crying. "I want to marry you Naruto. My feelings haven't changed the only thing that changed is that I hate myself for doing this to you. I made you disabled." 

"You shouldn't feel this way, it wasn't your fault. It was the man who was driving on the wrong side of the road. Besides even if you were the cause I would forgive you. It was an accident," Naruto shrugged slightly as he smiled but there was something wrong with his smile. Shikamaru's body went cold and he rushed for his phone to call for emergency services as he gathered Naruto into his arms and rushed down the stairs and into their car. He had already started coughing up blood as Shikamaru drove quickly to the hospital. 

Naruto gave a hoarse gasp as he reached over to steady Shikamaru's trembling hands at the wheel. "Calm down, it's fine," He choked out as he quickly covered his mouth to prevent blood from dripping on the floor. 

"Naruto you're choking on your blood, how can I calm down?" Shikamaru looked over at him as he spun into the hospital and drove over to where the emergency team where waiting. He was made to wait while he listened to Naruto's sobs before he was made unconscious. Shikamaru cried outside the operating room as he thought about his moment of weakness. He should've turned the fucking wheel, he never should've froze. He was the reason Naruto was suffering like this. It was his fault. 

He pulled at his hair as he waited for the result but ultimately it wouldn't be good. Naruto would succumb to the sudden full body failure he had that night and Shikamaru's world would forever shatter as they offered to keep Naruto's body until he found a funeral home. He had to be sedated as his hysterical behavior made him unstable. They called his emergency contacts and soon word spread that Naruto had died and Shikamaru was on the verge of being branded insane from the mental break he experienced that night. He tried to take his life, several times over the next coming months and nearly ended up in prison when Temari tried to breach the subject of a relationship between them. He attacked her but she refused to press charges as she realized that Naruto, whoever he was when he was alive, held Shikamaru's soul and body even after he had passed. 

"I only have one partner. Naruto is my partner and I would never cheat on him," He hissed at her. 

Choji and Ino eventually moved there third link back to their home and set him up in his own room as he became unfit to be in the workforce. They took care of him willingly. Shikamaru still kept his figure, he wasn't messy he just wanted to be alone with Naruto's urn. He hugged that urn, cradled it like he cradled Naruto when he was in his arms. Choji had even seen him kiss the urn softly. They tried therapy but Shikamaru was good with his words so it always ended with him remembering Naruto fondly. It was a slow decent into madness for the Nara and his friends could do nothing but watch him wilt away. 

Shikamaru soon suffered from broken heart syndrome in the middle of the night and passed away peacefully. His only desire was that his ashes were mixed with Naruto's and stayed in the possession of the two friends who cared for them. 

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