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Modern AU

Definition- A Hajidere refers to a character who is really nervous and embarrassed around their crush. Their shyness only appears with them or intensifies even more around their love interest. They will constantly blush near their love interest, and might even faint from being so bashful. They have a ton of trouble confessing, so the love interest should make the first move, although if they do, the hajidere might even faint before they answer.

"No, no, no," Naruto yelled as Hinata dumped glitter on him. They were supposed to be working on a project together but they got sidetracked as always. Others in their class looked on with smiles since they were both known as the most bashful people in the class. They were really social with everyone, always quick to help no matter what but at times they wanted to smack them over the head. 

Specifically Naruto Uzumaki.

The feminine boy who always wore pastel had an obvious crush on the school's genius Shikamaru Nara. It was blatant, really blatant to the point Shikamaru knew and tried to approach but Naruto kept getting too flustered to the point Hinata had to drag him away because he was so nervous and on the verge of a panic attack or fainting. 

Naruto fainted often when approached by the Nara. It started out small, getting too flustered, stuttering and the more Shikamaru engaged with him the more Naruto freaked out. Resulting in him running away, fainting, Hinata dragging him away, etc. He was perplexed by Naruto's apparent shyness when it came to him seeing as the blonde wasn't like this with everyone else but concluded that this was proof that Naruto really likes him a lot. 

So he avoided him, which caused another situation as the blonde was instantly moved to tears thinking Shikamaru hated him now. Hinata tried claiming the opposite but Naruto was a slightly negative thinker when it came to him so dark thoughts haunted him. Hinata had enough of Shikamaru dodging the blonde and cornered him. 

"Stop avoiding him, he's getting upset," Hinata said softly as he intertwined her hands. Shikamaru sighed heavily as he leaned on his locker. It was late after school and the halls were barren. Hinata had stopped him as he was leaving and was in front of the homemaker classroom. What he didn't know was that Naruto was inside sleeping away since he was waiting for Hinata so they could leave together. 

"What can I do?" Shikamaru asked her in frustration. "I've tried to approach but he faints whenever we barely start a conversation. I thought giving him space would be better since he obviously doesn't function well when I'm around." 

"Alright the next time you approach him I promise Naruto will be ready," Hinata promised along with clenching her arms in front of her. 

"Okay, fine I'll try again," Shikamaru sighed and Hinata squealed in thanks before rushing back into the classroom. Shikamaru peeked inside to see Naruto sleeping on the desk facing him. 'He looks so peaceful, Naruto come on, I'm trying to work with you.' 


Naruto squeaked as he turned around quickly to see Shikamaru standing there with a lazy expression on his face. A blush crept up his face and he quickly looked down at his feet as his hands came to fidget with each other. He was beyond nervous but he knew he couldn't run away nor faint because Hinata had told him that Shikamaru liked him and he believed Hinata and this was his only chance to even try to get those feelings across. 

"Naruto," Shikamaru stepped closer to him and took his chin in hand. Naruto's hand immediately clasped his and held it there. "Calm down." 

"Umm, I'm sorry S-Shikamaru," Naruto teared up from the pressure he was feeling in his chest. He was having a panic attack. Hinata was nowhere near here and Shikamaru saw the signs and quickly cooed at the blonde and slowly rocked him like a newborn. Naruto wailed in his chest and they stood there for a long time while the blonde calmed down. 

"Why are you so nervous around me Naruto, it can't be healthy to be this stressed," Shikamaru said softly as he caressed his hair. Naruto blushed at the gesture and the fact he was in Shikamaru's chest. He clenched Nara's clothing with a small fist and buried his face deeper. 

"I-I've always looked up to you since our group came together. You're so smart and caring but you mask it under being lazy. I see you Shikamaru but I get so nervous because what do I do when I feel so enamored for you. I-I-ah!" 

Naruto was cut off by Shikamaru kissing him gently. A slow, loving one that made Naruto's tense shoulders slowly lowered and his eyes closed. His face was bright red but Shikamaru didn't care, he was so adorable and honest that it made being blocked by his overly embarrassed nature worth it. Naruto squealed in the kiss slightly as Shikamaru's arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him even closer. His hands clutched his clothing as he leaned up feeling more confident. When they pulled back it seemed Naruto realized what happened as Shikamaru noted that he was getting heavier in his arms. 

Naruto had fainted. 

He chuckled at the situation and gladly carried his now-boyfriend to his car and took him home. Naruto woke up halfway through the drive and groaned at the embarrassment. "I'm sorry," Naruto said quietly. 

"It's fine Naruto besides you'll stop being so embarrassed when you're used to me," Shikamaru took his hand and intertwined their fingers. Naruto blushed at the act and squeezed his hand while hiding in the high collar of his sweater. 


"Why are you two so adorable?!" Hinata squealed as she jumped around the couple. Naruto had his face buried in Shikamaru's neck blushing if you could see the redness of his ears. Shikamaru had a hand around his waist, holding him tightly while smiling at the lavender-haired girl. 

Hinata took a few pictures before thanking Shikamaru for making her best friend so happy. She pulled Naruto away whose face slowly got back to normal since he was out of range from Shikamaru. "So how is it?" 

"He's really sweet and kind even though I faint after every make-out," Naruto chuckled a bit as he recalled the experiences. Hinata smiled a bit sadly at that. 

"You know he won't judge you for showing how much you love him right?" She asked gently. 

"I know but I was practically a stalker Hina-chan!" Naruto flushed thinking back at the times he would watch Shikamaru from a distance whenever they happened to cross paths in Konoha. "I just want to be overbearing and clingy. I really love him Hina and you know this, I just don't want my shyness to fuck me over." 

"Ouuu someone cursed and it sounded cute too," Hinata scowled playfully as she tickled the blonde who doubled over laughing. Shikamaru looked over to see his boyfriend laughing with Hinata and smiled before going to sleep on the desk. He stayed there for the entire day right until the final bell. He was now made aware of Naruto who had been playing in his hair the entire day only stopping to eat and use the bathroom. 

Shikamaru tilted his head to look at Naruto who went red in the face at being caught. Instead of saying something Shikamaru only pulled him down into a kiss before leaving the blonde there to press his lips against his. He smirked and closed his eyes as Naruto pulled back with a flushed expression. 

'You adorable blonde,'

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