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Definition: An "Undere" refers to a character who says "yes" or "I agree" to almost everything the one they love says and follows everything they are told to do. They are really dependent on their love interest, and would not know what to do without them.

"Lunch is ready," Naruto called out as he placed a strand of hair behind his ear. He twirled the knife with a look that held a desire to kill. Shikamaru came downstairs to see his male wife cleaning the kitchen. Shikamaru was a programmer who worked from home and supported the lifestyle of his partner. They were isolated, only they existed for each other. No one else was to intrude in their bubble. 

At least that was how it was supposed to be until Shikamaru started to chat online with other guys. Naruto didn't say anything about it but Shikamaru knew that the blonde knew. A tension rested between them as they worked around each other. What made Shikamaru upset was that Naruto was denying him intimacy. It was just talking, he hadn't done anything. 

"Can we talk?" Shikamaru asked as he sat on the island watching Naruto's back as he worked. The glint of a knife made Shikamaru gulp nervously as Naruto gave him a cold glare. Before they became this isolated they had a large group of friends, mainly Naruto. Shikamaru was a jealous man and slowly he dwindled Naruto's circle down, closing him off, his irrational jealousy a spark that could burn the entire place down. However, while most would sob and pity Naruto for being in this obviously abusive relationship they didn't realize that Shikamaru was the actual victim here. From day one Naruto was the one who systematically broke Shikamaru down and made him jealous, belittling him and his self-worth so he would never leave the blonde. Naruto was a person of many faces. 

"Oh? What do you mean?" Naruto straightened his frame and looked over at him, the knife dripped excess water onto the ground. "That you're cheating? I think I made myself clear Shikamaru. I will not stand for it. It seems you've forgotten the consequences. Should I remind you?" 

He walked over to the Nara and circled him, he dragged the knife lightly against his neck. "You seem to forget you wanted me. You asked me to marry you. You asked me to get rid of my friends. You asked me to move to this remote area. You asked me for everything we have now and what did I do? I said yes! So why are you doing this to us?! Are you bored?! Should we divorce! You're actually moving on already." 

Shikamaru began sobbing and hugged Naruto tightly. "I'm sorry I'll never do it again," He sobbed. Naruto wasn't done yet. 

"I don't believe you," Naruto spat coldly. "Things need to change. You're quitting your job and you're going to be playing the wife." 

Shikamaru nodded, anything to keep Naruto by his side. "I'll do anything." 

"No access to your devices, entertainment is there in the form of the television. You're going to sit and be pretty," Naruto snarled as Shikamaru trembled under his gaze. 

Yes, many people would assume Naruto was the abused one but really it was Shikamaru. Naruto had him dancing in his palm. "Go hand in your resignation and shut down your computers." 

"Yes Naruto," Shikamaru ran upstairs while Naruto took off his apron for the final time. He stabbed the knife into the counter and left it there as a reminder. From then on their roles were reversed with Shikamaru crawling and begging for forgiveness. He would kneel at Naruto's feet when the blonde was done with work and beg. Agreeing with his every whim. 

"You look so beautiful when you're on your knees," Naruto purred as he came home to see Shikamaru kneeling at the entrance. "Come wax me off, it's been a hectic day." 

Shikamaru crawled forward eagerly as he unbuttoned Naruto's pants and took his cock out and into his mouth. Shikamaru swirled his tongue around the head and went down to the hilt as he began slurping his lover. Naruto sighed as he took off his business suit and sunk his fingers into his lover's hair. He gently scratched his head before tightening his hold and face fucking Shikamaru. He got a devious look in his eyes as he watched Shikamaru cry and struggle around his cock. He didn't mind the teeth scraping him, it made it better for him to get to the desired state of being that allowed him to unload in Shikamaru's throat. 

"Fuck your mouth has gotten better these past months. Seems we needed this role reversal," Naruto pulled his cock out while Shikamaru held his mouth open to show Naruto he was being a good boy. The creamy white substance trailed down the sides of his mouth before Naruto gave a nod that allowed him to swallow it. 

Naruto showered while Shikamaru cooked and they ate together before moving to the sofa to relax for the evening. Shikamaru looked at the blonde who was looking ahead at the show. His face was calm, even a bit cold while looking ahead. He cuddled up closer to the blonde who accepted him but his facial features never changed. Shikamaru pouted a bit as he leaned up and kissed his lover's cheek. "I love you Naruto, only you." 

He said this every night and he expected the same answer of Naruto not believing him. He would say it no matter how many times it took for Naruto to believe in him again. He regretted his decision of ever straying and he would spend his lifetime groveling at Naruto's feet to make it up. He listened to Naruto sigh but this time he didn't say anything. Instead, he ran his fingers through Shikamaru's hair. 

"You love me?" 

"Yes I do," Shikamaru whimpered as Naruto gripped his scalp. 

"Okay," Naruto released his fingers on his lover's scalp. "I believe you." 

Shikamaru cried that night while Naruto gave him comfort in that same cold detached way. 

A/N- Ugh, sorry for not doing the regular Friday updates. I...passed out after finishing my finals for this year from exhaustion and I'm still stuck in the ward. I just convinced my little brother to slip my laptop in so I could post these. Enjoy!

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