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Modern AU

A/B/O Dynamics

Definition- A Dandere will more or less act like a normal person, but will not talk unless spoken or required to. They will avoid talking because of their shyness, but, if need be, they will speak, sometimes with some difficulty or embarrassment. The difference between a Dandere and a Kuudere is that a dandere character may be nervous inside (not calm), but will prefer to stay silent, and a kuudere character can speak while retaining their serenity (are calm). Many danderes will be flustered if prompted to speak, but the kuuderes will have no problem responding if necessary.

The quiet clacking of chess pieces could be heard throughout the library, Shikamaru was on the desk a shelf over listening as he caught up on assignments. It had a calming effect on him and he wondered who would be playing chess when finals were coming up. He dismissed the thought and continued until he was fully caught up. The person on the other side sighed heavily and yawned a bit. 

Since he was done, he shifted a few books aside to see who was over there. He was caught off guard by the brilliant golden hair that belonged to one of the quieter classmates he had, which was Naruto. Now everyone was convinced he was a girl with a slim curvy body, long golden hair, and such a soft voice when it was time for him to talk. Even the school labeled him as a girl but he knew he was a male simply because he heard Naruto talking under his breath about him being a boy that just liked the female uniforms. 

He took his word for it but the more he silently observed Naruto the more he noted that the blonde observed him as well. It was subtle but still there. He got up and walked around so he could sit across from the other. He noticed the slightly panicked look on the blonde's face as he blushed but he smiled as he reset the pieces. "Can I join for a game?"

"Uh S-sure no problem," Naruto said with a slight stutter. They started playing together and Shikamaru found it adorable that Naruto was so nervous. He decided to take a chance on him. 

"Can I ask you something?" Shikamaru looked him in the eye and Naruto couldn't handle it so he looked down while he twiddled his thumbs. 

"I don't mind, go ahead," Naruto shuffled a piece forward as his hands slightly shook with nervousness. 

"Can I ask you out on a date? Like I really want to take you out," Shikamaru said with an earnest expression. Naruto blushed as he hid behind his hands. 

'Really! He's asking me out!?' Naruto thought as he peeked through his fingers at the male who was looking at him with a smile. "Yes, I'd like that. But do you think I'm a girl or a boy?"

"You're a boy, I know that." 

"And you still want to take me out? I thought you were"

He got cut off by Shikamaru waving his hand. "I'm gay but most assume I'm straight because I don't stop Temari's advances. I'm gay and currently, my type is you." 

"Oh, oh my, then sure I'd love to go out with you." 

Later that night they met up at a restaurant of Naruto's choice. Its main selling point was ramen just in different styles and cultural backgrounds. Naruto was dressed up in an orange sundress that was strapless and Shikamaru was dressed down in simple joggers and a muscle shirt both in dark green. They sat across from each other and Naruto took the reins when it came to ordering, Shikamaru allowed him since he seemed so comfortable with the staff and owner. 

"So, I take it you come here often?" Shikamaru asked after their orders had been taken. Naruto blushed and nodded shyly. 

"I grew up eating here with my mom, she introduced me to the owner who took me as a grandson. So, this is a second haven for me," Naruto answered all while playing with his hair nervously. "If you're not comfortable we can leave-"

"No, no it's okay just touched you'd share something so personal with me, I'm honored," Shikamaru said with a smile. "Next date I'll take you to my haven, okay?"

Naruto nodded excitedly with a big grin. 


"You sure you'll be, okay?" Shikamaru asked as he dropped Naruto back at his apartment. They've been dating for 2 months now and both couldn't be happier. Naruto was dozing in the seat so he didn't get to answer Shikamaru's question. He smiled at his boyfriend and took it upon himself to carry him up. 

Once inside the neat apartment he placed Naruto down on the bed and took in the outfit he wore. The male omega had on a mint green pleated skirt along with a black crop-top, underneath. Naruto was one of the much-blessed omegas and the number one reason why people thought he was a girl. His breasts were larger than normal male omegas so it was quite a view to see them go high and low when breathing. Now if he wore the male uniform then they would see he's a male however he wore the female uniform, that coupled with his femboy persona and physical appearance he was a female to everyone. 

He was really beautiful to Shikamaru, he was shy and got flustered easily when it comes to romantic gestures. Many were surprised he managed to get the beauty of the school but were happy for him. Some weren't happy but that was the least. 

He kissed the other's forehead and went to leave but a small tug was placed on his shirt. Naruto was blushing again but was still slightly awake. "Stay with me please?" 

"Are you sure? My scent leaks out when I sleep," Shikamaru said as he sat down back on the bed. Naruto nodded and pulled him down on top of him. Shikamaru's face was buried in soft mounds of flesh and he smiled a bit. He shuffled around and both ended up lying side by side with his face still in Naruto's chest. 

Shikamaru could hear the other's heavy heartbeat that was slowly speeding up. He ran his hand over the blonde's back while playing with his hair. It seemed to calm him down enough to speak. "Thanks, Shikamaru I wonder why you asked me out since I was just a fly on the wall." 

"That's exactly why I asked you out," Shikamaru said with a slight smile. "You're quiet and I love quiet, I could never be with someone as loud as my friends. Besides you're fun to tease." 

"Meanie but I do love dating you Shikamaru so I have to thank you for coming over to me," Naruto said as he hugged the other tightly to himself. Shikamaru's scent of rain and pine leaked into the room and made Naruto's fruity scent dipped in honey react. Naruto felt honored that he would do something so intimate with him. Scenting each other was a sign of the alpha seeing a potential mate. 

He was drowned in his scent and Naruto's flushed expression made Shikamaru giddy. He kissed Naruto tenderly and moved to his scent gland, the sound of aggressive licking could be heard as Shikamaru marked him as a potential mate. "I-Isn't it too soon? It's been only two months." 

Naruto was trembling in his arms but it was more out of sheer arousal than anything else. To be pampered by an alpha was a dream and one such as Shikamaru who wasn't demanding was even better. Shikamaru pulled back with a smile. "It's okay, we're serious about this," Shikamaru cupped his blushing face and stroked his cheeks. "This is merely a start of our courtship and as old-fashioned, as it sounds, that's what it's going to be." 

Naruto's smile grew and nodded eagerly, they kissed until they fell asleep in the combination of their scents. It was like the start of nesting between potential mates. 

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