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Modern AU

DefinitionUsoderes are characters who lie and use tricks to win the heart of their love interest. They are compulsive liars who want to appeal to others and love interests pretending their real personality and hiding their feelings. You can't ever trust an usodere, as they will likely find a way to look good with lies, but they will make people think that they are sincere and trustworthy because of the way they speak with such confidence. Some can also use dirty tricks to win over the love interest and leave other rivals as the bad guys in the view of others.

"Well that's it," Naruto cheered as he wrapped up the measuring tape while jotting down some numbers. Shikamaru frowned at the slight bruise he saw on Naruto's neck. "I'll have the tux ready in a few weeks. I can't thank you enough for being my model Shikamaru." 

"What happened to your neck?" He asked instead as he reached out to pull down the other's crop-top. It was fingerprinted. Someone tried to hurt him to the point they left marks. "Who the fuck did this?!"

"It's okay Shikamaru, it doesn't matter. I promise it's nothing." He said with a pained smile. Shikamaru wasn't having it. Naruto was in his inner, inner circle since they were toddlers. He wouldn't allow anybody to put a wrong hand on him, especially if it made him so uncomfortable. 

He pulled Naruto closer to him and towered over him. "I protect you, you protect me now tell me who placed a hand on you. I don't care who or what gender, I'll throttle them!" 

Naruto looked stunned and started tearing up at the suggestion. "Umm, it was Temari." 

Shikamaru froze when Naruto said the name of his girlfriend. Naruto seeing this started to back peddle but no it wouldn't work and the blonde underneath his act knew this. Shikamaru got angry. "She's done for," Shikamaru said in a growl that made Naruto shiver in excitement. 

"W-W-ha, Shikamaru no, I don't want drama, please no," Naruto pleaded but he was bursting on the inside, he's been making plans and motions for this for an entire year. 'It's paying off! It's paying off!'

"I don't care, nobody is placing a wrong hand on you! You're a good slice of my life and I won't let you be placed into silence because I have a piece of shit called a girlfriend. Now you're going to stop everything and come with me." 

Naruto nodded as he was dragged out by Shikamaru who had texted in the group chat for everyone to meet up in the halls by Naruto's locker. When they all got there Naruto was actually crying now which made them all concerned. Shikamaru pulled Naruto's crop-top down and showed the fingerprints. 

"Who did to you Naru?!" Ino asked in outrage as she took the small male in her bosom. 

"Temari put her hands on him and she's no getting away from this," Shikamaru snarled as he petted Naruto's hair. 

Soon enough Temari came as she was in the group chat and was met with glares from her boyfriend, Ino, Choji, Sakura, Kiba, and the others. "What's going on?" She asked and then her eyes locked with Naruto's and it turned into a slight glare. Naruto whimpered and tucked his face back into Ino's chest. 

"Don't look at him, you know what you did!" Sakura said getting in a defensive stance. "Why the hell would you put your hands on him?! What gives you the right to leave such a traumatizing mark." 

"What, wait," Temari's eyes widened as Shikamaru took a threatening step towards her. 

"Boundaries Subaku I warned you. Naruto is the sunshine in this group and he's to be treated with respect. What gave you the right to put a hand on him?" 

"Shikamaru you can't be serious, he's a liar! He's been targeting me from the start since we started dating. Making passive and probing comments. Being nice to me in front of all you only to be a bitch when he corners me!"

Kiba laughed in her face. "Cornering you, look at him. No offense Naru just defending you here," He said while cooing at the male who nodded a bit. "He's tiny, he's barely 5ft tall, he's dainty, light, Shikamaru could pick him up with an arm and not feel the weight of him."

"And look at you!" Ino piped up. "Wrestling club, always picking some fight with the boys from the rival school, you tower over him and you've said on more than one occasion that you aren't afraid of throwing a hand when it suits you!"

"And you placed your hands on the one person in the school that's literally the resident angel!" Choji yelled. 

"I-I-I," She stammered and turned to her boyfriend who was scowling deeply at her. "Shikamaru you can't be in on this right? You have to believe me!" 

"The only person I believe is the one with the marks imprinted on his skin. And even if he didn't have the marks on his skin Naruto has no reason to lie and I would still believe him. Why do you ask? Because he's been in this pack since we were kids. You're the only outsider and maybe jealously is finally eating you up." 

She started crying right then and there and they laughed at her. She could see Naruto's smirk from Ino's chest. He was manipulating them! "Look at him, he's smirking at me!" 

Naruto's face warped to fear and his eyes were glittering with tears. "Don't look at him!" Shikamaru snarled. "I'm done with you, putting your hands on him was the final straw!" 

A year of a relationship was done just like that. 

For the final year of college, Temari was tormented by the group. Especially Ino that had taken pictures of the fingerprints and filled them in her locker every week. When she would see Naruto in the halls, there was always a special smirk on his face just for her. What pained her the most was Shikamaru turning his affections onto the blonde after their friends paired them together. It was like the greatest love story on campus. 

Childhood friends turned sweethearts. Shikamaru certainly treated him like a princess and it was obviously what Naruto wanted which was why he sabotaged their relationship. She cried when Shikamaru proposed at graduation, she cried again when she could see Shikamaru's car rocking at their obvious intimacy. After a few weeks when the actual certificates came she met Naruto for a final time. 

"My how skinny you've gotten," He commented with a cruel smirk on his lips. Temari had lost the energy to eat, she barely had enough strength to come today and pick up her certificate. 

"You manipulative cunt, you ruined our relationship, my reputation. I have nothing now," She started crying as Naruto's smile grew. 

"Don't be like that Tem-chan, everyone loves the childhood friends turned lovers trope. Besides you know what you were getting into. No one comes near Shikamaru that I don't approve of." 

"So you admit to targeting me?" She laughed like a crazy person and Naruto's face went blank. 

"Listen Tem-chan, you're pathetic. Did you honestly think you were going to get my package, I've been waiting for years for this beautiful ring on my finger. Shikamaru promised me as kids that I would get one. Seemed he forget along the way, he's lazy like that which is why he has me to remind him about it. He never loved you." 

With those cruel words, Naruto nailed a final hit, square in the face. Blood dripped down his knuckles as Temari collapsed to the ground. "I might be dainty looking but I certainly know how to defend myself. I just needed evidence to nail you into your coffin. Thanks for the fingerprints bitch." 

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