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Modern AU

Definition-A tsundere is a character who pretends not to be interested in someone else but keeps doing things for that person. They even keep saying they are not actually interested in their love interest. People who aren't honest with themselves and their feelings or are too embarrassed to admit they love someone.

"Huh he doesn't have lunch again," Ino said with a slight tilt to her head. Her two childhood friends look over at her as she explained. "Naruto I mean, does the orphanage really not supply lunches?" 

Both males look over at the blonde teen who was pinching food from his friend Sakura who has been graciously feeding him food from her lunch. It was well known Naruto was from the small orphanage that Konoha had seeing as it was located in the city where everything was just in reach of its doors. 

Shikamaru who was watching couldn't help but feel conflicted seeing the pink-haired girl blush as Naruto ate off her chopsticks. He felt a flare of jealously but forced himself from slipping out a complaint. He settled for a heavy sigh. "Idiot," He muttered as he turned back to his half-eaten lunch. Suddenly he didn't feel as hungry as before. 

"Ouu feeling a bit jealous Shika dear~" Ino teased. The Nara rolled his eyes at her. 

"Just because I admitted to being gay doesn't mean I'll jump anyone who bats for my team," He said with narrowed eyes. "Besides Naruto's been chasing Sakura's skirt since grade school and Sasuke was just an off-year for him." 

"So what, Naruto's been preaching his lack of concern about gender and he is your type," Ino interrupted as she sipped on her artificial apple juice. 

"I'm not interested in Naruto. He's just trouble wherever he goes, he's an idiot and a waste of time," Shikamaru declared as he finished his lunch and got up and left them there for his next class. 

Ino flipped her bang with a disinterested look as she watched Shikamaru watch Naruto as the blonde had decided to leave the lunchroom as well. "Give me a fucking break." 


"Here," Shikamaru said as he stood over Naruto who was sitting in the corridor, leaning against his locker. Naruto was usually the first person at school every morning and today was no exception. Naruto looked up in time to see Shikamaru dropping a case of instant ramen in a cup. There were 12 in total. "Shove these in your locker and eat them at lunch."

Naruto's eyes widened at the gift he was receiving and he had no clue as to why he deserved this. "Um, Shikamaru why are you giving me this?"

Shikamaru had a slight blush on his face as he turned away from Naruto slightly. "Idiot don't question it and take the damn food."

Naruto could see the slight blush and felt embarrassed himself. "So you noticed I didn't have lunch-" Naruto was cut off by a slight groan. It was Shikamaru who was now blushing up to his ears. 

"I didn't notice anything I just saw that you ate from Sakura every day and wanted to give the poor girl a chance to eat her lunch in peace," He quickly rushed out not realizing he had confirmed to noticing Naruto's lack of lunch. 

Naruto felt somewhat happy and ashamed at the same time. Happy that Shikamaru noticed and ashamed because he realized how poorly he must've been treating Sakura by taking advantage of her big lunches. "I'm sorry, I should've realized how badly it must have looked. So badly that you had to resort to buying me food." 

Shikamaru felt like a bucket of cold water was splashed on him, he wasn't aiming at making the blonde feel bad but he had and he was ashamed. "N-No that's not it!" Shikamaru yelled getting too flushed at this point. He didn't know why he felt jealous watching Naruto eat from Sakura and he didn't know why he cared enough to go as far as to use his allowance to buy a case of ramen. 

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