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"Never get bored with this."

He stood next to you, taking in the scenery in front of him, the sun would dip into the horizon soon.
It was low tide on the shore, the clear blue sea and warm breeze complemented the pleasant feeling of the small waves rippled around his ankles.
You insisted to wait before the sunset, already went out since an hour ahead, didn't want to miss the view.

"I will always want to come back here."
You smiled while swiped away a few blown loose strands from your ponytail, the hem of your summer dress fluttered along with the gentle wind.

"You should have called me to accompany you."

"I didn't want to wake you up, you've been in the meeting the whole flight yesterday."

He had overworked himself recently, to the point of chipping his bedtime, the load started to eat him inside.
This vacation had long been overdue for him.

"I took care most of the urgent subject, so they will only reach to me when it's completely necessary."

He rubbed the back of the toddler who rested her head on his shoulder, her plump cheeks and her powder fresh scent had been something that gave him comfort, the feeling like he was at home.

You observed his white shirt, you could see he didn't bring gun with him.
Ever since Young-mi was born, he left his gun behind whenever possible, said that he didn't want to hurt her when he put her on his shoulder where her ribs might nudge on the gun. Hence, Sejin followed him around whenever you were with him.
But you never objected the guy's presence anymore, it was a part of his life, and he was willing to make adjustment for his family, that was what mattered.

"How long has she been sleeping?"

"Almost an hour, Hee Jun said."

She was quite a sleepy-head, even during daytime she would spend some of her time to doze.

You sighed in contentment, looking at her, and gazed at him by your side.
Life was quite serene for the past two years for you, revolved around taking care of Young-Mi and managing the household in the mansion.

Yoongi had offered you to start to work with him at the office, which you were quite interested.
But you thought it would be better to wait until Young-Mi a bit older, maybe around two years old.
You wanted to spend her golden years with you, didn't want to miss every milestone during her growing phase.

The view of sky had turned orange with a mix of purple hue, enriched with lines of yellow lights and row of palm trees around the resort, blessing your eyes with a gorgeous scene of the sunset you've been waiting for.

It was the second time you were here, back at the same villa, the one you visited before.
Manu was still there, you chose him to be your butler during your stay.
You remembered the first thing he said when he spotted the ring on your finger, along with meaningful triumphant smile on his face.
"I told you I know love when I see one."

You felt Yoongi's hand grazing your shoulder, gesturing to the direction of the resort.
"Let's go back inside. The wind will get stronger along with the oncoming high tide."

Walking side by side to the villa, he held your hand for a moment, before Young-mi stirred a little and let out a little yawn with eyes still closed, making a small sigh in contentment, continuing her slumber on her father's shoulder.

When you entered the entrance, Mrs. Kwon appeared from the bedroom that was assigned for Young-Mi, taking over the toddler from her father's cradle.
"Just enjoy your honeymoon."
She smiled to you before walking away from you, the baby still asleep peacefully.

His Pet ♤ Min Yoongi♤ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now