Chapter 12.

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You spun around, startled by the familiar voice that came out of nowhere, you didn't hear any footstep prior

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You spun around, startled by the familiar voice that came out of nowhere, you didn't hear any footstep prior.
Either he walked stealthily or you were just too absorbed with your surrounding.

Yoongi walked to you, and you could see him holding your clutch on his left hand.
"Thinking of going out?"

"I'm..I'm a bit bored, just want to get familiar with this house.
Well, know ... since I will have to live here indefinitely."
You stepped back involuntarily, being close with him always made you nervous.

"I could accompany you if you want."
He reached out and touched the necklace on your neck, his fingers lightly brushed your skin, sending a tingling shiver down your spine.

"No..thanks. I.. I just want to look around, not too far, I mean, having some fresh air."
Being with him definitely would not helping your situation.

"I don't see why not."
He smiled at you, eventhough the mirth didn't exactly reached his eyes.

You weren't sure whether you got too paranoid with everything related to him, or there was really something with the way he smiled that prompted your suspicion.

You decided with the former.
Maybe you were just overreacted.
You did nothing wrong, and even if you wander out, didn't mean you could actually go anywhere.

He reached to the door handle, then scanned his thumb on the black panel above it.
There was a numeric keypad on the side of the panel.
You couldn't exactly remember if there was fingerprint lock system when you arrived with Jimin before.

He turned the handle, and you could feel the cold breeze when the door opened.
"Press six digits of your birthdate to the keypad when you want to enter later.
Year month date in order."

He then walked away inside, leaving the door swung slowly to close and you could hear the soft whirring sound followed by a click, sign of the automatic lock.

You wondered as to why the front door had to be locked with a fingerprint and password system.
The main gate was literally a couple blocks away, heavily guarded, no less.
But then you decided that when you live in mafia world, you would probably become overly insecure.

You walked down the stone stairs, sauntered slowly heading to a pathway.
There were several lamppost illuminating the surrounding brightly, but you couldn't see the end of the pathway.

The overall view must be beautiful under daylight, but at the moment all you could see only shadow from the lighting over the road, and row of trees and bushes around.

You weren't a faint hearted, but the ambiance made you uncomfortable, you decided to come back tomorrow.
Maybe you should head to the sport hall area instead, there were probably more things to see, and definitely more lighting.

You were just about to turn back, when you heard rustling sound along with gravel crunched and footsteps around.
Just seconds later, you were surrounded by three men in black uniform, holding guns aimed at you, rendering you froze on spot.

His Pet ♤ Min Yoongi♤ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now