Chapter 56.

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There was one kohaku koi fish in the pond at the garden that you gave a name

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There was one kohaku koi fish in the pond at the garden that you gave a name.
It was one of the biggest than the others, with long and wide body in white color and red patches on its trunk.

It was easy to tell the difference, because whenever you threw fish food you got from the nearby employee quarter, it would viciously swam its way past the other fish and gobbled most of the pellets.
You named him -well, observing its greediness, it most probably a male, there was no way a female fish would be so unladylike - Mukbang.

Everytime you sat on the couch under the gazebo next to the pond, Mukbang would always swam towards you first, apparently expecting some food thrown over his way.
It was like he recognized you as someone who brought joy for his tummy.

During winter however, most of the fish became very slow swimmer, rarely came up to the surface, mostly stayed at the bottom of the pond, even when you threw some crumbs over.

Except for Mukbang.

When you threw the pellets, he would always swim up to the surface, albeit with weaker movement.
The absence of competition seemed to make his stomach even more prominent, you started to wonder if you fed him too much.

Yoongi once said to you not to feed them when temperature dropped too low, but sometimes you just couldn't help it.
Feeding the fish had been a time for self indulgence for you, there was just a sense of satisfaction to have Mukbang always tried to seek you first.

Looking at his plump belly, only reminded you about your flat one, not at all showed any sign of your pregnancy.

Rubbing it lightly, a strange sensation surged over you.
A mix of disbelief, awe and fear over the awareness that there was a tiny life growing inside you, a miniature heart that beat along with your own heart.

The next few days since he told you about the pregnancy, you didn't bring up the matter anymore, and went about your life as if it was something normal.
Once he tried to bring it up, you just dismissed it abruptly, stating that your head ached everytime you thought about that, it wasn't a complete lie anyway.

He didn't say anything about it anymore ever since.
Not even when he hugged you in bed, having you in his arms every night.
One time he brushed his hand over your belly, but stopped when he felt your body went rigid over the gesture.

You were scared, with the baby in this affair, it would be a permanent seal that you could never really separate your life from him.
Were you even ready to become a mother?
The fact that you missed the shot spoke volume of how so unprepared you were to bear the responsibility.
All of these were too sudden.

Ignorance was indeed a bliss.

You were trying to neglect the moment you had to face the reality, and it gave you temporary 'everything would be all right' kind of sense.
Wishful thinking.

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