Chapter 7.

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All of them were very attractive, maybe even suitable for fashion photoshoot, if only you didn't see the things on the hand of some of them

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All of them were very attractive, maybe even suitable for fashion photoshoot, if only you didn't see the things on the hand of some of them.

Jimin gave you a mocking smile while holding a revolver, spinning it playfully with his right hand.
Taehyung sat on the other end of the bench, holding two daggers, twisting and spinning it with both hands smoothly.
When he saw you, he shouted at you teasingly,
"Morning beautiful..good sleep last night?"

Jungkook sat on the other bench where the guy with the laptop also sat, held a chainsticks, playing it around, and nodded when he saw you.

On the bench next to Jungkook's, sat two other guys whom you had never seen before.

The first one was typical male model type, with wide shoulder, handsome face, pink full lips and cocky smile.
The type that reminded you of the male role in K-Drama series, who usually played the rich handsome CEO.
He sat with crossed legs, right ankle on his left knee, both hands in his pocket pants, eyeing you curiously.

The guy next to him, was the true definition of male beauty, with sharp nose and chiseled jaw, smooth dark brown hair, flawless slight tanned skin that could put a lot of women to shame, and a body that looked lean but athletic at the same time.

He smiled brightly at you, the only one there that gave you a genuine friendly smile.

The guy with the laptop wasn't sitting anymore, but walked to Yoongi, and touched his shoulder to get his attention.
Yoongi looked at the guy, then followed his gesture to your direction.

Removing his earmuffs, he put the revolver down on a small table few steps behind him.
He talked a little with the other guy, who nodded, then turned to walk away from him.

You finally could see the guy clearly when he walked back to his seat.
His face has sharp features on his jaw and nose along with almond shaped eyes, you could feel warmhearted kind of vibes from him.
He was tall, probably the tallest among them, with a slender figure, and you saw his dimples when he smiled to something that Jungkook said to him.

Jimin rose from his seat, and walked to take Yoongi's spot, before took a moment to aim, then began to fire his gun to the target line.

Walking to where you were standing, Yoongi pointed to a space a few metres away from the crowd, raising his eyebrows as if wondered why you were looking for him.

"I need to go back to my apartment now. My brother and my friends are looking for me."
You cut straight to the point, assuming that he wouldn't like you to waste his time.

He paused for a moment, then gave you a scoff.

"You live here from now on, this is your home. Tell that to your brother and friends."

His nonchalant attitude really got on your nerve, you couldn't help raising your voice.

"I have a life there, for god sake, I didn't even ask for this.
I need to work on my final thesis, I have my job too.
What do you think the reasonable reason i should tell them?
That a gang leader is kind of in the mood to make me his mistress and kidnapped me to keep in his palace?"

Yoongi clicked his tongue while staring at you with obvious amusement in his eyes.
"I think you watched too many K-Drama, or Disney movies.
I'm not a gang leader."

"Whatever you say. I really need to go back. You can't keep me here forever."
You gave him a stern look.

"Is that so? I believe you already had some idea about your situation right now.
Don't push your luck.
You're smart, make up something to shut them out."
He folded his arms on his chest, gazed at you with an arrogant look.

"You said that I'm not your prisoner."
You tried to hold back your tears, your throat burnt with the urge to cry.

"You are not. You are free to roam the house, aren't you?
I didn't lock you up.
You can even go out if you want to, with supervision, of course.
However, you have to cut all ties with your people. Including your brother."

"Why? If you want me to be your kept woman, I agree, I have no choice anyway.
I can come whenever you want me to, you don't have to keep me here."

He was being unreasonable, and he was supposed to be the mature one here.

"That's not possible.
When you become my woman, you need to be here.
It' safer, for you and for your folks.
I have power to some degree, but doesn't mean that I can protect you all the time."

Your eyes started to tear up, it felt hot, coursing down your cheeks.

Deep down inside, you had always known that he was not someone that would easily change his mind, he wouldn't be this successful if he was an amenable character.

It was your mistake that you fed your mind with false hope that maybe, he had a heart and conscience somewhere in that stoic manner.
You knew that arguing or throwing tantrum to him will be pointless, if not making matters even worse.

"How about my belongings at the apartment? I also have to inform my landlord to terminate the rent, or the other tenant might be suspicious of my sudden disappearance."
You wiped your tears with the the back of your hand.
"And my brother will probably contact the police if I don't call him in the next few hours."

"Call your brother, make up some excuses to buy your time.
As for your apartment, I'll think about it later.  We will have dinner together at six tonight, I will let you know my decision after that.
And Yuri...don't try to show up ill-dressed just to spite me, I won't hesitate to rip down your clothes in front of the boys if you do that."

He walked back to his group, leaving you stunned on your spot.

He walked back to his group, leaving you stunned on your spot

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