Chapter 69.

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Yoongi certainly took a good care of you, Jungkook could see it clearly

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Yoongi certainly took a good care of you, Jungkook could see it clearly.
From the superfluous house he provided for you and your family, to the presence of Sejin and Mrs. Kwon - the two people that he blindly put his trust and faith all this time, and the red Ferrari parked at the carport in front of your house, which he recognized it by the license plate.
The limited custom made version that his hyung treasured the most from his collection.

He was wondering if there was anything Yoongi would not willing to give up for you, despite his declaration in front of the rest of the members, that he was done with you. He was willing to let you go, after your hairbreadth escape from death, when he almost lost you and the baby.

Looking at you leaning back to the bed in your bedroom, he observed the baby bump on your belly. He had to swallow the hard lump in his throat along with persistent denial in his mind.

Was he really sure to do this eventually?

Jungkook recalled the first time he saw you when he and Jimin picked you up at your apartment.
Well, kidnap would be more fitting, but that was beside the point.
He didn't think much about you then, although he wondered, what was in you that drew Yoongi's abounding interest.

Compared to Yoongi's past lovers, you were quite different, appearance and personality wise.
You were pretty, but then, all the girls that they chose had been beautiful.
Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok always opted for fashionably dressed and glamorous ladies, one of the reason they always chose to circulate within socialites circle.
Beauty came with a price, couldn't really expect the poor to look stunning without those fancy treatments, clothes and jewelries.

But Jungkook didn't really agree with their choice of lovers.
He believed that beauty was only temporary, one couldn't judge a woman's character by her appearance, that much was true when he looked at Estela, how she ignited fiery friction between Yoongi and Hoseok.

You were like that gentle breeze in the spring or early summer, cooling and refreshing, but often times being overlooked just because you didn't fall on the two opposite of extremities.
People minded the hot weather in the summer, and heeded the freezing drop of temperature in the winter, they noticed and felt the difference easily.
Beautiful women that his hyungs usually dated were like that, instantly stole the attention, but once people dig deeper, they would find things lovely about them were just superficial.

Your taciturn demeanor might seemed too withdrawn at times, people would only notice you when they got close to you.

He always reminded himself, since the dispute between Yoongi and Hoseok, no woman could ever come between them, no amount of good sex should overpower their friendship.

When he lost his folks after the ruin of his father's geondal, where his parents were killed during a fight with another gang, his life was reduced to wandering on the streets, stealing, pickpocketing, sometimes robbing when he needed to, just to live day by day to make ends meet.

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