Chapter 21.

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The loud thumping sound of electro dance music reverberating throughout the room, the vibration could be sensed around the soundproofed wall

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The loud thumping sound of electro dance music reverberating throughout the room, the vibration could be sensed around the soundproofed wall.

With every beat of the rhythm, you could feel your adrenaline pumping and your excitement soared.
You couldn't wait to immerse into the throng on the dance floor.

The club was located in a quiet area of the business district in Seoul, so the surrounding was deserted at night.
Row of expensive cars were parked outside the club, gleaming and shiny even under the dim lighting of pale moonlight.

It was a premium executive club, only members with certain absurd amount of deposit were granted entry.

The interior of the room screamed luxuries in general, with the servers roamed around in elegant red bodycon dress that hugged their slim bodies perfectly.

The bar was a rectangular shaped counter at the left side of the room, with red lighting decor gradually changed into different shades of color along the front side of the tavern.
It was huge and long, you could see at least eight bartenders stood there.

Intricate high tech moving lighting system on the tall ceiling, illuminated the dance floor with changing colors of different pattern of lights.

Every guest needed to wear a special bracelet that was used as entree and payment mode by scan it on portable gadget that the servers carried around.

You saw several celebrities lounged around the corner of the huge room.
Your inner fangirl squealed over the view of familiar faces, and you almost couldn't contain the urge to go to them and ask for a selfie.

But you had a strong feeling, Yoongi wouldn't be too pleased to witness that, and to have him send you home early was definitely the last thing you would want to happen.

Not that you had someone to swoon over the pictures with anyway.

Tonight you wore a knee length maroon pencil dress that hugged your figure just right, but not tight enough to your liking, and it was turtleneck, for god sake.

All thanks to Min Yoongi's good taste of fashion.

You felt left out among the women milling about with their sexy dress that accentuated their breasts and hips.
You even saw one woman wore a black transparent tight dress revealing her sexy body only clad in black lace bra and panties.

Compared to her, you probably looked like a lost nun.
Didn't mean that you would have the courage to wear that kind of outfit, but that was beside the point.

You initially wore a tube red tight dress, but when Yoongi saw it, he gave you a dirty look before asked you to change into the dress that he picked from the wardrobe.

What could you say, he was the boss, you mentally grumbled.

All the seven boys were in suit tonight, minus the tie.
They wore blazer that you guessed it was probably to conceal their weapon.
You saw them easily passed through the security without thorough checking like other customers, you wondered if the club belonged to their group of companies.

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