Stop telling me I'm perfect
When I'm anything but that
You're only setting yourself up for disappointment
And making me feel guilty
How do you love me?
Why do you love me?
How do you let me keep hurting you?
I don't want to hurt you
I don't even deserve you
We wanted this to last forever
But now I worry we must stop this before I destroy us both
I stop in the driveway, sit just to cry
My seatbelt still on to give me some semblance of an embrace
As the neighbors blow off fireworks
That won't stop
Ha! What a sick joke
Damned if I do, damned if I don't
Damming up the tears to make them stop
I don't really want this love to stop before it really starts
But I'm scared I'll pulverize our hearts
In truth I fear the end
I just need to make these thoughts stop