How did so much love turn cold & cruel?
Do you remember, in September,
When I wrote you a poem about our future together,
Then five days later, you cut the red thread binding us "forever"?
Because I do.
(How could I ever be expected to forget?)Yes, you remember September (& I know you love that song).
So why do you ask me what's wrong?
Why do you force me to say it when you know it?
You just have to hear the words, for what reason?
Does it boost your ego? Does it make you laugh?
Could it be that you really do lack any semblance of self-awareness?I kiss the ground beneath your feet, then curse it
(For so long I've wanted to walk in your footsteps, follow you anywhere, everywhere).
One moment I want nothing more than to hug you, absorb you,
Never let you leave me like that again.
Next moment I feel I could throttle you, which would kill us both.
Stop smiling at me like that; I'm going to cry.Where did your heart go?
And what about mine?
Are you ever going to give back my heart?
My soul?
Get out of my head, & never come back
(Please come back to me).I wish this was all just a nightmare.
I wish I could sleep.
I wish I were numb.
I wish you could feel.
I wish things were different.
I wish I was better.I wish you still loved me.
(Why did you stop?)
I wish you'd never loved me.
(Why did you start?)
I wish I hadn't given in.
I wish I didn't love you, now or then.
I wish you still loved me.
I wish you'd never loved me.
I wish you still loved me,
If you ever even loved me.