Another year has gone by.
Yuletide is upon us once more.
We heave nostalgic sighs.
Thoughts drifting away from the present
As we rush to the presents under the tree,
Thoughts of the past, thoughts of the future.
But I should be grateful to be in this moment,
Healthy and secure, albeit unsure,
Alive and safe, warm and fed, sheltered, protected, provided for.
I think about the astronomical waste this time of year generates,
The scourge of materialism and consumerism.
I want to give to those without anything, those in need.
I want to give victuals, I want to feed.
I want to save the Earth from greed.
But I am small and my cries seem to fall on deaf ears, again.
So I hold out my hopes for the coming new year.
Please, may it be,
Maybe next year...