I hate myself for still loving you
I hate loving you
I hate you for making me love you
I hate you for not loving me back the way I love you
I hate myself because I can't make myself truly hate you
Because I still love you
I hate you for being impossible to hate
I hate you for being so lovable
I hate you for the same reasons that I love you
I hate how long I've loved you
I hate how much I love you
I hate the way you'll never even know the extent of my love for you
I hate my love for you
I hate the thought that anyone out there could hate you
I hate that someone else will love you and be loved by you
I hate myself for still loving you when we both have someone else to love
I'm a horrible person
Or is it your fault, for being a near-perfect person?
Is it you who did this to me, or did I do it to myself?
Did you lead me on, or did I follow imaginary signs?
I love your favorite song, "Hate This And I'll Love You"
I hate that I can only think of you when I hear it
I hate these feelings
I hate this poem
I hate myself
I love you