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Saltwater tears pour salt in my wounds

Out of my eyes, behind which I feel a dull pain.

Headache, heartache, all kinds of ache.

The sodium lights burn red in front of me

In a long line of cars--we are all going someplace for some reason--

Reminding me of the burning fossils in our engines

That are burning up our precious planet, forming new fossils out of extinction.

I cry some more thinking about it.

I drive blinded by tears, but I have to get away somehow.

I drive myself insane.

I stop to sit in an empty parking lot alone, waiting for a shooting star.

I'm so scared to die, so tell me why I'm so afraid to live,

Tell me why I feel like I'm already dead,

Or why I feel this survivor's guilt.

I'm so tired, yet I stay up so late--it's my one chance to relax.

Isn't that ironic? 

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