Chapter 1

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Hazel's P.O.V

" 71..72..73..74..75 " I counted aloud as I finished doing my push ups, with bits of sweat trickling down my face.

" Ok, guys thats all for today. Practice tomorrow at exactly 4:00 make sure you have a ride we are staying later next practice. " Says coach as everyone finished up there excersizing.

I headed home, and took a shower.

Well let me introduce myself, my name is hazel, I honestly don't know where it came from being as though I have baby blue and grey eyes. Anyway, I'm 14 and I'm in 8th grade. I have hair the goes a little below my shoulders, not too long, or too short. I'm very tall, I stand 5'8 and growing. I love being tall! I am a mixture between brown skin and light skin. I guess you can call me caramel. I have nice plump pink lips. I have large breasts and a kind of big butt. Well in my eyes, everyone else says it huge. I'm very strong, you can see in my arms and legs. I have 3 siblings a baby sister who is 4 , a little brother who is 7 and a brother who is 15. We all live together with my dad. My mom is somewhere overseas playing basketball.

I'll get back to my personal life later. Right now, I need to go to the gym. I know, I just came from practice and I'm going to the gym, but I love basketball. Its my ticket out the hood, my way to escape life.

I throw on my Nike basketball shorts, with adidas sweatpants over top, a sports bra, with my pull over trukfit jacket, and some Jordan's. I know I look a mess, but I don't care. I'm focused on one thing and that's going to the gym.

As soon as I got into the gym I ran 10 laps around the court. After that, I did a few suicides. I began to work on my defense stands. Then, I stretched for 15 minutes. Afterwards, I grabbed a ball and did 10 lay ups, right hand first, middle, then left hand. After lay ups, I grabbed another ball and dribbled one with one hand and rolled the other one. I worked in that for about 8 minutes. Next, I shot around. After about an hour of practice I went home.

"Diego" I called out to my little brother, oh did I forget to mention that were mixed African American and Puerto Rican?

" Sí?" said my older brother.

" Tomorrow can you train me? play me one on one or something? Tryouts are coming up and I really want to make the team!"

" Of course mami, why do you need practice anyway? You practice every day! You are the best basketball player I know!! You're going to make the team. " says my brother.

I went over and grabbed his cheeks and did my best "mom voice" that I could. " Awe, that is so sweet! Thanks brother! "

" Nigga don't touch my face!! All this sexiness and your man hands! I take that back. You suck." He said sticking his tongue out and running upstairs.

I laughed to myself, and put my headphones in.

" Swish I'm balling! I'm so awesome, old girl keep calling, "hello?" She thinks I'm-"

" Yo?" I said answering my phone.

" I'll be home in 3 minutes. wake your siblings up and tell them to go to the dinner table!

" Ard pops. " I said hanging the phone up.

" Ayy Mario! Deigo! Ariana! Come here!" I yelled up the steps.

They all came down stairs groggily with their robes still on and there hair a mess.

" What?" They all said in unison.

" Pops on his way. He want y'all in the kitchen, he's probably bringing food, so wash y'all hands and go to the kitchen. " I said.

They nodded there head and did as told.

I sat on my phone and scrolled through instagram. Soon after, there was a knock on the door. I went to go get it.

" Was sup Pops?" I said letting him in.

He had boxes of pizza in his hand and a brief case in the other.

We told him about our day, and ate dinner together.

Thug & Thugette : The BallersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz