Chapter 49

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Alex POV*

I sat at the red light that had seemed to be red forever. I was on my way home, well not home, our house. What they don't know is that we're moving. We have to because I still have to be in contact, my strongest troops are in New York and that's were we are headed. We have a couple more days here and then we're gone. I know it's going to break them when they find out. Today we are going to see papa before it's too late. It's going to be so hard seeing him like this..

Finally, the light changed colors and I turned left heading down the road to our house. I sighed, pulling into the drive way. It's now or never. I got out car, sure to lock it and I headed inside. I'll put it in the garage later.

I walked in, "hello?" I asked, setting my keys down on the table.

Hazel walked downstairs, carrying Ari. I ran up to then giving them the biggest hug. Ari squirmed around a little, I think I was hurting her. I yelled up the steps for Deigo and Mario to come downstairs. They came down shortly after.

"We need to talk" I sighed. Deigo looked confused and Hazel just sat on the couch with Ari waiting on me to continue.

I sighed again. "I want to say this with no interruptions and when I tell you this, there is no if, ands, or buts about it. Hear me?" Everyone nodded, Hazel remained still, Ari was just smiling up a storm. She is such a happy baby, I smiled at her then cleared my throat. I continued. "So today we are going to visit Pa for the last time and then we are going to start packing."

"Packing? Where we going?" Deigo asked confused.

"Are we going on a trip? Ooh a vacation." Mario asked smiling.

"Disney World!!!" Ari screamed, clapping her hands. Yes, she talks.

I sighed, knowing I was going to disappoint them.

"No, I mean we're moving. To New York actually." I told them. Mario and Ari seemed happy about it.

"Life in the big apple will be fun." I said

"We're living in an apple?" Mario asked, wide eyed. I laughed and shook my head at him.

"You can't be serious. We have to finish the year off. How do you expect to up and leave in the end of the school year? We don't know anybody there and I bet it's for some little reason for the Armed forces. I respect that you save the world and all but you have to be here for us too! You haven't been here and that's what's messed up. No job comes before you're family! We basically raising ourselves. We finally get happy and for what? For you to throw it all away and tell us to start our life over. Go back to where you came from, go to your job. We didn't need to then and we sure as hell don't need you now." Deigo said, with his nostrils flaring.

He walked right out the door, I went to go after him but Hazel stopped me.

"Let him cool off, I got him." She said.

I sighed, frustrated. What he said really hurt, because most of it was true. I'm not here like I should be, I wasn't here like I should've been.

"How do you feel about the situation?" I asked Hazel, knowing it's going to be a nonchalant answer. She doesn't get affected by anything, and I don't know if it's just that she wasn't a it to seem that way or she really doesn't.

She just shrugged. "Honestly, I don't expect too much from people because all they do is disappoint us. If we have to leave, I'll go. I mean I have no other choice so yelling at you won't do anything. I don't care about the situation, as long as I'm still playing basketball in fine with it." She walked off, putting Ari down.

"Where you going?" I asked her.

"Shoot hoops, I know Deigo is there too. Just watch after them, I'll be back." She had shorts and a muscle shirt. She went and got her ball, phone, headphones, and book bag then she left out.

I sat on the couch with my face in the palms of my hand. I sighed lifting my head up.

"Wanna go to Chuck E Cheese?" I asked Mario and Ari. They nodded there heads quickly and jumped around. I went and grabbed there jackets and we left.

Hazel POV*

I walked down the street, listening to 7am by Lil Uzi. I heard my music cut off so I took my phone out of my pocket. I saw that Jr was face timing me. I answered it.

"Hello" I said when I saw his face appear on the screen. God, he is gorgeous.

"Hey baby." He said blushing. "What you doing?"

"Walking to the court." I said, he looked into the camera closely.

"What happened? You just got some news didn't you?" He asked.

"Why'd you say that?" I asked.

"Cause you're usually super happy to go to the court. Like smiling, you're not. You're nonchalant which means you're going as a stress reliever. What happened? Matter fact, I'll be there in 5 minutes I'm on my way!" He said.

"No you don't ha--" he cut me off.

"But I will." He said.

Stubborn ass. "I'm fine. And I'm going to give you the same answer when you get here." I told him, noticing he was in his car.

"No you will not, I'm almost there. Bye, love you." He blew me a kiss and hung up. 

I just continued walking, I turned and I got to the court. I went to the bleachers to change my shoes, I was already wearing sneakers, but they were Maroon 6's and I definitely wasn't balling in them. I looked in my bag, did I wanna wear my Legend blues or my Kyrie Irving's.

"Wear the Kyrie's" I heard someone behind me, I knew it was JR. He grabbed my waist and turned me to face him.

"Now tell me wassup?" He said to me.

"Nothing, just that we're moving to New York in a few days." I shrugged, tying my sneakers.

"YOU'RE WHAT!? WHAT ABOUT US?" He asked me pulling me into him, I looked across the court and I saw Deigo on the football field playing with a few other boys.

"I don't know." I told him.

He kissed me passionately, like he didn't want to let go. Like it was our last kiss. Forever.

I let go. "My Papa is dying, he only has a few days left and we are visiting him for the last time today and I want him to meet you before he.. goes."

He nodded. "I'm sorry for your lost. Of course I'll go, and right after you can come see my brother and sister before you leave. Okay?" He said.

I nodded.

"Damn, Ima miss you." He said sighing, running his hands through his head.

He was crushing the full water bottle that was in his hand. "Damn man!" He yelled, throwing the bottle at the gate.

"I lost my mom, now you..I can't.. I just... I have to go" He said, walking away.

I grabbed him back. "It's okay." I didn't know what else to say.

I saw so much pain in his eyes. He walked back to his car and he just sat there. I got in with him. I leaned over and kissed him cheek, his body began to become less tense.

He grabbed my face, and kissed me. I was wrong, this one is definitely our last kiss..Forever.

Thug & Thugette : The BallersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz