Chapter 19

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( A/N Speeding the story up a little because it's boring.)

Hazel POV **

Once we got to the clinic, I wanted to go in first. I know everyone probably wondering why I'm not mad or upset. I know I dont have aids. I just know it. I know none of us do. I just know.

I went back and they ran tests on me. I came out and led Deigo to the back. After that, I led my little brother and then my little sister.

After about 20 minutes of waiting the doctor came out. My dad did not look at ease at all. Everyone looked so stressed and worried.

"Good news and bad news for you guys." Said the nurse, she was kind of old with dark hair and she talked with a sad voice.

"Good news is, Hazel Ramos, Deigo Ramos and Ariana Ramos all have clear blood. No sign of aids what so ever." She said smiling expecting us to smile also.

No one else smiled though.

"What about Mario?" My dad asked.

"Well, we found some abnormalities with his blood. It doesn't have to be aids, it could something as small as a minor sickness to a major disease, even cancer. I do not think it's that bad. However, we would need to run more tests and I suggest you also take him to your doctor."

Mario looked so confused. He talks very good though.

"Papi, am I okay?" He looked worried.

My dad got teary eyed. "I hope so."

Deigo's nostrils flared, I knew he was about to say something.

I shook my head no towards him. He didn't even aknowledge me.

"Ain't no fucking I hope! My little brother just better be all right. You two nasty burning fuckers want to be burning and spreading the shit! I swear to god, if my lil man is not good both of you niggas wont live to see the next day!" He said with so much venom in his voice.

I shook my head, grabbed Mario's hand and led him to the back. Deigo came in a few minutes later to stay with Mario and also get tested again to see is this Rose lady our mother. I went back, grabbed Ari's hand and headed to another room. While I waited for the doctor I played on my phone.

I saw I had a message from Jr it said:

4567891011: Wassup shawt? You good? You gone be back for tryouts right? It's the last day.

I almost forgot. I texted him back.

1112131415: No doubt. Good looking!

A few moments later a doctor came in ran tests on us and then left out.

We waited for Deigo and Mario. They came out 3 minutes later.

The doctor came out and told us we would have to wait a few days to get the results back and that it would be sent in the mail. I didnt care I just wanted to leave here and go straight to school.

We piled into the car and headed back to the school. My family and Rose decided to stay and watch tryouts.

Tryouts went well again besides Monica. I dont know wassup with her. She's just so weird.

Of course Jr. was there and when my family saw me talking to him they had to come over and intoduce themselves. Well, Deigo sized him up the entire time. I just laughed.

"Ay man, you mind giving her a ride home?" My dad asked, I was confused but once again I just went with it.

"Nah, came on Purple Haze." Jr said calling me by the nickname he gave me.

I laughed. "Aight Numba7" I said referring to the nickname I gave him.

We rode together and talked about just everything. He looked at me.

"I like you ma, A lot." He said smiling.

I smirked. Right where I want him.

"I'm feeling you too, ugly." I said laughing as if joking.


I got her right where I want her! Ha, to she think she actually thinks I like her. Me? Liking someone? Never.

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