Chapter 12.

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Normani's POV
It was the second week of my program and I've been talking to both Trevor and Paige more. Megan hasn't been over since Monday morning, it's Friday. I was honestly afraid of talking to her about anything right now. We've been texting but not nearly as much as we usually do.

Me and my gma haven't really been on good terms either. I just make sure she takes her pills and I make sure she has food.

"Man you niggas crazy," Trevor laughed as we exited the school building.

"Mani you got a ride home?" Paige asked

"Nah, I was just gonna walk you know clear my head a little,"

"Cool cool, you wanna come with us to get some food?"

"Sure, but I gotta be back before 4, I have work,"

"Oh okay where you work?" Trevor headed to his car

"The shop off of Main Street,"

"Dawn's Deals?"

"Yes sir," I nodded my head

"Well come on you could at least bring some food to work,"

I got in the car with Trevor and Paige. We picked up 3 meals from chicfila. On their way back they dropped me off and came inside as well.

"Good afternoon," Ryan looked over to the door as we walked in.

"Hey," I gave a faint smile.

"Who's this?" Trevor pointed over to Ryan and licked over his lips.

"My girl," Keith butted in as he wiped down his counter.

"Oh shit my bad," he retreated

"Well Ryan, and Keith this is Paige, and this is Trevor, Trevor, Paige this is Ryan and Keith," I did a brief introduction.

Ryan looked over Paige hard. As I got to work Ryan walked over to me.

"That is not the girl you was dancing with at the club is it?" The disappointment in her voice seeped in, her and Solana have to be the same people.

"She's just a friend,"

"Girl.. when's the last time you talked to Megan?"

"Earlier today I texted her"

"Mhm sure,"

Our texts have been slim to none.

Paige and Trevor went through the shop and bought some things. I cashed them out.

"Normani?" I heard Megan's voice as she came through the store.

"Hey," I spoke rationally

"Can we talk?" The tall girl made her way over to me.

"I'll cover," Ryan walked over to the cashier, I excused myself to the back and Megan followed.

"Did I do something?" Megan's eyes were already wet.

"No, I just ... need space right now," I lied partially. I have no guts to tell her the truth.

"So why didn't you say that Normani? You basically ghosted me out of no where and politely kicked me out of your house?" anger bubbled in her tone.

"We don't even have a title yet Megan is it even that serious?" I just want her to stop asking questions.

She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She turned around and made her way back though the doors she entered.

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