Chapter 34

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- two months later-  LIAM´S POV

“mum! I´m getting a fucking divorce! I can’t live with that pig! She's disgusting and I can’t stand the endless hours of her just sitting there and harassing me with her stare! So I am so fucking done with her! she's out of my life by tomorrow and you aren't gonna stop me or else you’re going out on a war zone!” I walk out from the shocked face on my mother with a big smile on my face and my phone on the ring for a divorce agency.


“Sebastian! Where the hell are you?” I scream in to his room.

“I´m here… lemme sleep for an hour than we can go to the park…” what the hell was he talking about?

“no! I´m getting an divorce today! You'll have to marry Laura now… or propose more than right.” I smack him in the face as he glance up at me with a confused smile.

“divorce? With who?” he asks… how fucking much did he drink yesterday?

“I. am. Going. To. Divorce. Laura today! You are hopeless! go over to my apartment and propose to Laura or else I have to keep on this act for more than just two months!? Wake the fuck up!” I scream in his face. He seemed to realize what I said as he rush up and gushed around his room to find all he was going to take with him. I think I´m going to hell…

“okay, okay!” he screams and sprints out of the house and in to my apartment on the other side of the rode.

“I´m gonna die because of him…” I whisper under my breath as I make my way out through the door over to the apartment complex.


“um- we-well Laura y-you know that I-I love you and all t-that…” he was being so awkward and still him and Laura has been in a relationship in over five years, don't even get me started on how my mum had convinced Laura to marry me instead of Sebastian… but still he wasn’t about to be the confident man that I talked to about two months ago, to be honest I think that he lost the badass Sebastian somewhere under those two months…

“well I think that it´s time for you and me to o the next step in our relationship… so-“ he started to get down on his knees and shuffled a bit to get a good position. Laura was now covering her face with her chestnut colored hair and smiling.

“will you, Laura Margret Denson marry me?” he asks as he open the little box with a diamond ring inside. She squeals and hug him whilst he put the ring on her finger whilst both of them has tears going down their cheeks.

“well I am so happy for you two but… I´m supposed to be at Zayn´s right now, so if you'll excuse me” I hug Sebastian and run off, I was already ten minutes late… I was gonna pay for this  so bad… the 'no sex´ attitude… fuck!

----Zayn's apartment----

“hi babe… I know I´m lat-“

“don't even try to win me over! You were supposed to be here when I come home and guess what I walk in to? Not you” he pouts and look down at his love novel again. What in the hell… I think that I’ll have to sing him into my arms. The thing with Zayn is that he is so easy to get in once side if you just sing a little song that he just can´t resist.

“Every time that you get undressed

I hear symphonies in my head

I wrote this song just looking at you ooh, oh

Yeah the drums they swing low

And the trumpets they go-“

“don't even try your little fucker! You aren't gonna get out of this that easy! You know that this has been going on for more than two weeks now. You’ve been so sucked up in your family business till the point where I don't matter anymore.” He was now folding the book closed. His eyes where watering “I´m so fucking tired of you ignoring me when I call you or that you get something new to do. I´m just fucking tired, I´m on my breaking point here” he looked so defeated and I couldn’t do more than smile, because I knew that this was effecting so much and I had a reason to actually have those other plans and not be with him. because if I didn’t do that my mum would have been looking at me and would hold this marriage thing longer. We had a deal, stay married two months and see if you can stand it or else you could take the divorce papers up.

“babe you do know something right?”

“what that you love me?” he scoffed.

“yes that to, but two month have now past.” I smiled at him and stepped a step closer.


What the fuck? He comes here tries to seduce me by singing a song and then smiles when I tell him the truth about I have felt these two or three weeks.

“are you seriously thinking about how long you have been together with her?”  don't know why he was bringing it up whilst smiling at m- oh fuck!

“oh no! wait! Two months! That means that I´ll get to have you by myself!” I smile and embrace him in a tight hug.

“yeas babe, I needed to watch Sebastian propose before I could come here and I knew that you would be upset about it… so I just needed to smile. I´m sorry.” I smile and shake my head.

“your unbelievable stupid if you didn’t already knew that!” I say and kiss his unbelievable stupidly kissable lips.

“I love you so freaking much…” he whisper in my neck.

“I love you so much myself” I whispered with a chuckle.  


thank you so much for the two people that commented on the last chapter I love you for it! :) I hope you all like this story and that you still like it. I love you all and i hope that you can find it in you to comment and vote :) lots of love from me! 

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