chapter 6

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We were seated once again around the table that ever so kindly my uncle had cleaned up and put candles on just for us to have the best, like evening or something of that kind In front of us. He had started on that thing that Justin said earlier, about this place being like a open book. I really enjoy being around that lad! He's really nice! I hope that he treats Niall right! And that they live to their fullest and loveliest till the deaths do them apart.

Oh Jesus I sound like a priest when he stands and say like do you blabla take blabla to be you beloved husband or something like that...

"So how is it working out for you and the cafe?" I asked Rob

"Oh! Well it's working quite well! It's just going much slower you know that I don't get any help... But he will be alright in about a week or two! I'll be all fine!" He smiled at me and turned back to his work.

Now a small man with gray stubble and pitch black hair as I have had the opportunity to get to know in a very special way... Jonah my cousin!

"What in the holy fuck are you doing here!!" He exclaimed as I tackled me to the ground, he hugged me and literally suffocated me!

"I didn't know that you were in the neighborhood!!! I couldn't have thought that you lived here!" I hugged him back as hard as he did. I have missed this little one! Even if he is four years older than me.... Who cares?

"Harry, Louis and Niall!!! Come and meet my cousin!!" They all had stared at us and smiled. They came up to Jonah and shamed hands and said there name in a very polite way. But then I don't really know what he's doing here! I need to ask!

"So Jonah? What in the holy gods are you doing here? I mean it isn't really often we meet nowadays... Not since I moved from my wicked mum..."

"Sorry about that mate! I'm here because of Lucas! I have been a little bit busy, this is secret but I'm engaged..." He whispered? Why is that a secret? I jumped in happiness!? My cousin is going to get married!!

"Why is that a secret my cousin is gettin-" he clapped his hand over my mouth and glared at me.

"I said that it was a secret!!! Haven't you learned anything?”

"No I haven't, but why is it a secret?"

"We'll you know that my mum doesn't like you or his brother, rob in that chase... And we'll... I'm- I'm g-gay..." Omg!!! Jonah is gay! That's a really big surprise he was always the lady's man when he was in high school... This is crazy...

"Who's the lucky one?" I smiled at him. I'm so happy for him! I still can't believe that he's gay!

"Well he's a guy..."

"Yeah well I noticed! Your gay so…"

"H-he kind of is..."

"Yeah well come on then!"

"It'sCalumandididn'tknowhowyouwouldtakeitsoididntsayittoyou!!! Please don't kill me!" He said that to fast but I think that I heard a C... Who do I know that has a- it's fucking Calum!!!

"Calum Hood?! My best fuck-"

"Don't use that word!!! What is it with that word that has so much with the world to do with! It's another thing when you have sex!!" Louis popped up

"Yeah I noticed that last night babe..." Harry purred in Louis ear.

"So you are saying that you are going to get married to the shyest person or if I can say it myself the straightest f-ing guy I have ever known? I can't really believe this!! I'm so happy for you bud!"

"Oh and we have taken with us BC! I thought that you were going to miss him so we-"

"You took my little baby with you?!? But how?" I can't really contain my excitement they have my baby! The one thing that I. Opulent take with me when I left, he slept in a cage in my parents room that night cause I had been bad so I couldn't have him with me...

”we talked to your mum and said that BC has been feeling like shit and that it must because you aren’t there anymore! So she said that I could take him and get him here to you! We can go out and get him if you want and then I can pack all he things in your car if you want to have him back?"

"Of course, of course I want him back! I have dreamed about him being dead and then I have woken up in tears... So please let's get him!!"

"Okay! Come with me, and so you just know when I said we took him with us I meant me and... Calum" he said as he led us to his car a little walk away. I could see Calum but not BC... I smacked myself as I thought about it he's probably in the back of the car.

"I am so exited!"

"Wow! You need a chill pill! He's alright and he has been down these couple of years, he has missed you just wait he will notice you!" He smiled at me and then turned his attention to Calum that was seated in the front seat of the car.

"He doesn't really look like he did for like four years ago?" I said because I didn't think that that he was really looking... Old! He liked like he was like 25!!! He is 20... Or I think so... I don't know maybe 21 or something!

"Where's my boy!!" I screamed and slapped Jonah in the back of his head without meaning it! I swear

"Oh sorry! I just really miss him"

"It's all right! But don't smack me next time!!"

"Sorry..." Or nah hehehe

He went behind the car and out jumped the all too cute giant BC!! He's so cute! He has gotten so much bigger!

"BC, Look who's here!" Jonah pointed at me and BC got like a newborn puppy again. He ran at me and jumped up so I fell over with a smack, I groaned but smiled, I had finally gotten my precious BC back... I know that you are thinking 'what the hell it's just a dog...' But not for me! He has practically been my childhood he helped me through almost everything that came in the way of my happiness... Or what you now say... Got in the way of my freedom!

"No! BC, down buddy! No don't bite!" He jumped off and waved his tail as he walked around me and stumbled sometimes, he looks like he doesn't know what he want to do! I just really love this cuddle buddy!

"Now! Let’s get on about this dog and fill your car with dog stuff!" Jonah screamed at me whilst he unloads the back of the car with all of BC's stuff.


Hi I'm Zayn and I live in Bradford! I'm 21 living by myself don't really like my family! Don't know why but it’s just is like that! Okay! That's all you need to know!

I don't know why I really signed up for this... But I guess I needed the money? So that creepy old lady something Payne I think? Thinks that I should spy on her... Son because she wants him back here in Bradford and get married to a girl? I think because he is gay and that if he comes back he will have to marry her and such... I don't really care...

I'm gay! But I don't really care what she thinks about me! As long as I get paid, by seducing her son... This is so fucking disturbing! I don't want to get involved in this shit! All this shit for money?!

Today I was getting the papers on Liam and what he likes to do and all that… I am going to regret this… I swear to god if this bitch is going to like torture this guy I am seriously going to take my life! And so you know I have a little bit of temper problems… I might seem kind of disturbing to you but don’t get to scared… I don’t bite!

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