Chapter 29

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the pic on the side doesn´t have anything to do with this chapter but i just thought that it looked amazing.... sorry! not sorry... 



Sweat was dripping fast and hot.

Moans where growing louder.

Screaming, ripping, clawing.

“Z-Zayn… your so h-hot right now.” Liam's voice booms trough my ears.

“yeah, yeah” I say as he pound in to me with careful trusts. I took a new grip on his back. As I was lost for words I couldn’t answer with anything else than just a simple yeah. I smile up at him with heavy breaths coming out and closed eyes.

“I-I love you” he moans as he comes inside me.

The tears that I didn’t know was falling was turning in to pools on the mattress. Liam came down a little bit from where he was placed above me and kissed my cheek as he looked confused and scared.

“did, did I hurt you?” he ask as he pulls out from me and stroke my cheek with his thumb.

“n-no, I just… you ” I continued to cry as I bring him down in a hug, I never want to let go because this, is home. This is where I want to stay. “I just love you so much you don’t even know…” I cry into his shirt as he settles above me and kisses under my ear and up to my lips.

“I love you so much that it hurts to not look at you for at least one hour every day” with a big grin on his face he bends down and kisses my lips with a loving look in his eyes.


I love him more than I could ever imagine… I could look into his eyes every day in the rest of my days if he just stayed with me, besides me with every step I take.

But I knew that we couldn’t be hiding over here in London because my 'mum´ is waiting for me to come home and get married to that little hoe, okay still… she's not awful, but I don’t want to marry a girl! I love Zayn now and, and I don’t even know where Zayn and I are standing in our relationship? Okay I just need to let him slowly know that we have to make up a plan for us to actually gradually do… but first I think we need to take a shower and then talk.

“I love you, but please can you, um… move?” Zayn says as he gesture for our sweaty and drenched bodies. I smile and remove myself off him as I sit up on the hotel bed.

“don’t you think that we sounded a lot louder than we intended?” he asks worriedly as he sits beside me.

“nah, I think that people crossed their arms and glared at our door when they walked by, but not our neighbors though…” I smile at him as he flushes bright pink.

“haha… you know that our dogs are in the bathroom and where here and having… sex…” he says with small words, I cooed as he give me puppy eyes and shivering bottom lip.

“yeah, well I thought that we were going to cover us up just a little bit and then let both BC and Naila out from there and then we can take a calming and relaxing bath together…? What do you say?” I say as I stroke his arm in a kind of sexual way but not enough for him to actually get turned on.

“y-yeah…” he says as he bends down and picks up both of ours boxers and then stalked over to the bathroom as both BC and Naila was bouncing out from there me and Zayn stepped in and turned the shower on as we both stepped in and started cleaning each other.

“you know that all we do in this hotel room is never going to come out in to the real world? You know that? it´s only for you and me to know and see.” I say as I scrub his back and kiss his neck.

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