Chapter 27

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I wasn’t really that nice to my cousin… I swore more and I almost lashed out on her…

“justin? What do say about following me to the hairdresser today?” she says trough the closed guest room door.

“yeah!” I scream as I really try to make Niall´s nose on the sketch right.

“good!” she opens the door and gasp.

“what the hell?” she says as she walk up to the many sketches I've done of Niall.

“what? Don’t you think their good?” I say as I snatch the sketch from her hands.

“no their amazing!” she says as she smiles at me. Lola comes walking in and looks around.

“who´s that?” she asks as she points at some of the sketches that I've done.

“that my little Lola is my boyfriend.” A smile on my face.

“but you’re a guy? How does that work?” she says with a confused face.

“well Lola, you see there is something you call straight or heterosexual and then you have something you call gay or homosexual and straight, then you love the opposite sex but when your gay or homosexual you are attracted to the same sex. Do you understand?” I say as I take her hand in mine.

“so I can like a girl?” she says with a raised eyebrow.

“yeah you can love whoever you want. But you should know that being homosexual isn’t easy. You could be bullied if you openly say that you are homosexual because what people think is normal isn’t gay, straight is something they call normal. There will be people that are homophobic and we just have to live through it or stand up for gay people. So do you understand that you could love whoever you want?” I say and smile.

“yeah! I would love to meet your boyfriend sometime!” she smiles and kiss my cheek as she giggles.

“yeah I think you will, when I find him…” I say with a sad smile.

“what? Is he gone?” she says with a not so happy expression.

“yeah, you could say that, but for you I will say it like this, he left, but I just know that he is here in Ireland and I just need to find him and make everything better.” I remembered that Robin was sitting beside me on the bed.

“Justin I think that you’ll find him, I believe that he will drunk or probably crying because missing you is the hardest thing you could ever do. I know!” she pats my back and signals for Lola to follow her.

“I will be back! But get ready! We are going in about twenty!” I shook my head and chuckled.

“okay” I say and drag my ass up and in to the shower.

When I was all dresses I walked out from the relatively big room and watched as Link walked around with a worried look on his face.

“what going on Link?” I chuckled just a little as I walked a little bit closer to him.

“I-I-I can´t find Lola!” I almost thought that I was going die of laughter.

“s-she isn’t g-gone! S-s-she's with Robin, a-a-and m-my guesses is that she took her to school?” I shook my head when my laughs had died down.

“oh right… it´s mum´s day” he emphasized mum.

“haha, I thought for a second there that you were going to break down!”

“I just don’t know how my parents make it! I almost every day want to die but when I see Robin´s smile I just have to keep going and when I look at Lola I just want to take care of her because she means the world to me…” I hugged him and laughed a bit because all he was saying is, life.

“Link, listen to me” I say as I sit down on the floor besides him and slump my back to the wall.


“everything is always too much” I say and I don’t think that he need an explanation on what I meant… those words just made him look like a child again.

“hey! Justin! come on now! We need to go!” Robin screams as she walks up to me and Link and kisses Link on the lips while they smile.

“love you!”

“love you too!” she says and take my hand and practically drag me to the car.

“where's Lola?” I questioned, Robin pointed behind me and I could see Lola and her friend talking and laughing. Lola looked our way and smiled with a little wave until she turned around again.   

“oh, okay!” I smile and jump in to the car.

“well?” she says as she drives off.

“what do you mean 'well´?” I say as I look at her with a creased brow.

“yeah! I need to know about this little fucker that has been on my cousins broken brain for these past days!” she almost drove of the road as she smacked my leg with her spare hand.

“oww! What was that for! And my brain is not broken…” I say as I look out the window.

“yeah, yeah… well tell me about him!” she says as she smile over to me.

“well.” I tell her about Niall until we stop outside a place called let me cut it! Just a little bit creepy but I thought about it for a moment and decided not to ask if it was some kind of scissor kill in there.

“what are you going to do with your hair?” I ask as I look at her blue long hair.

“your so gay…” I hear under her laugh.

“I´m just gonna re-color it, just thought that the blue isn’t sticking that long!” she smiles at me as I look around.

“I´m gonna color my hair blonde! I have decided on that now!” I smile as I make my way over to the tattooed girl in the reception.

“hei! How can I help you?” she asks.

“I would like to make an appointment, thank you!” I smile back.      


thank you guys for reading! :) i love you all so much! an i would love for someone to 






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