chapter 5

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We were all seated at table in the middle of the café and Rob and Liam had gotten up to go and help… I can't remember what his name was but what I know is that it was something with a L that’s all I know…

But this place is really outstanding even if the outside looks like an old petrol, the inside looks kind of like a casino not like this big massive, like modern casinos or anything just a simple, well it’s a café so… but it’s really nice I have to say!

“babe? What are you thinking about?” Niall plopped up right in front of me.

“no, nothing just how kind of modern this is on the inside but on the outside it tells a story, it´s like a book, when you read longer and longer it comes to tell you what happens next, you don’t read a book from the end to the beginning, you read it from beginning to end! And this café is like a book.” Everyone was looking at me and smiled, also Liam smiled and I didn’t think that I would ever see that!

“what??” I screamed at their surprised faces.

“you just said something that is coming up on my wall as a picture kind of thing! 'the café is like a book´ yeah that will suit good” Rob said, Liam nodded at me I smile cause I knew what he was nodding for, he has finally understood that me and Niall wants to be together even if in the beginning it wasn’t something that was wrong and I really didn’t do anything, but I knew that Liam has tis daddy part in their friend group thing.

“now Justin can I talk to you I want you to understand something…” Liam said as he walked to me and took my arm, and said that I should follow him out for a bit.

We stood outside or I was sitting on the ground cause I knew what he was going to talk about and I didn’t want to start to cry or anything…

“you know now that I don’t have a person in my life, well I have rob but he lives here and I don’t really meet him that much… I just want you to know that if you sometimes thinks that it gets too hard and Niall can’t really help you should call me. I live with the exact same shit that you live with but except you have Niall, and I have nobody  in my life to hold me or kiss me when I feel like shit… or hold me till I fall asleep… be happy for what you have Justin! This might sound rude but, you are strong enough and you shouldn’t have to break down because someone brings up the question about your family, you should smile and say that you got a chance to find all of us and that if your mum doesn’t want you back she doesn’t have to worry because nobody should have to go through things like we do! And if someone's parents doesn’t think that you are there son or dotter you should move as fast as you can and just not contact them, they are the one that are supposed to love you and call you or contact you. If they really love you they would have contacted you and known that you can’t change to someone else. You are the one perfect person you was born to be. Don’t let them bring you down! Okay?” Liam´s speech really lifted my whole feeling about contacting my family all the time, they are the once that are supposed to contact me if they really loved me…

“yes, of course! I really am glad that you barged in through that door even if I and Niall was naked… but if you wouldn’t have done that I would have gone back to being depressed and not caring about anyone, cause then I thought that nobody cared about me…”

“you should know that we all love you and as long as your happy we will be happy, come here! hug” Liam walked over to me and stretched out his hand for me to take, I took his hand and jumped up from the ground, he embraced me in a big hug.

“you should always be happy for the person you are! You should know that Justin…” he whispered in my ear.                  

“I know… Liam I know...” I whispered back

“now we should head back so that your boyfriend doesn’t think that I killed you!” I chuckled and nodded

We headed back in to the café and I must say that it is really beautiful, like I said it’s like a giant book. I got tackled to the floor and it had to be the most precious thing I have had in my entire life, Niall.

 “where were you? I was getting worried! I thought for a second that Liam had killed you!” he exclaimed as he hugged me even closer.

“I told ya!” Liam said with a smile on his face, he really knows Niall well he almost know every little thing that he has in his little brain! I want to know Niall as much as he do! And I am going to get to that point where I can read him like a book!

“what have you told him?” Niall perked in.

“nothing.. nothing” Liam smiled at himself

“you are a dick… but I love you even away!” he smiled over at lima and then looked at my face that I suppose was very ugly, I had pouted at him and tried to look angry at the same time, I can say that it did work! “Oh… but I love you even more! You know that I can´t leave you for Liam! He's to ugly…” he smirked over at Liam´s way.

“you know that I had more points in that beauty thing we had over in Ireland! You know that your cousins think that I´m hotter then you!” harry chuckled as he watched the whole scene, me and Niall where on the floor and Liam stared at Niall with a smirk. I admit that it kind of looks kind of funny!

“yeah, yeah but that’s not why I am in love with this hottie, I just love his personality! That’s my reason!” I explained to Liam in a kind of sarcastic voice, I love him because he's him! I love how he looks and how he speaks and how he can calm me down in matter of seconds just by holding me.

“what, the…?” harry stared at me and all the others to


“you said exactly 'I love him because he's him! I love how he looks and how he speaks and how he can calm me down in matter of seconds just by holding me.´  that what you said…”

“but… I didn’t day that out loud? Did I?”

“yeah you did… but do you want to know something?”

“yeah…” I said as I blushed

“that was the most cutest thing I have ever heard!!” Louis screamed as he ran my way before I got up from the floor I got tackled from all the boys, we just laughed. I think I could get used to this.

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