Chapter 24

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“Louis? What the hell are you doing in there?” I asked outside of the bathroom door.

“j-jerking o-off” Louis´s hitched voice heard through the door.

“why?” I ask as I hold my breath as I try not to laugh.

“I-I-I didn’t w-wan-´t t-to wake you u-up?” he question more than say it as a statement.

“you are mad at me… what have I done?”  I ask with a visible sadness in my voice.

“I´m coming!” he screams as he unlock the door and walks out.

“what the hell? you said that you came?” I say as I see a well-dressed Louis and a paper in his hand.

“nah, I thought that taking you on a date would be much better than wanking off in the bathroom without you… so are you just gonna stand there and look at me like I´m a fucking ass hole or am I aloud to direct you to the car?” I nod and turn around. earlier this morning I woke up with no harry by my side and I wondered what he was up to so I walked around the room like I always do at the morning and I think that harry knows that by know because he had put a little note where I usually stand and stare in to the distance in the mornings. It said that I should put on some nice stuff cause today isn’t a normal day, from Lou-boo! So of course I did what the note said and then I walked out and I started to hear moans and that’s pretty much how I got in to this mess…

“what… the… hell…!” I say as I walk out to the car where it says with nice big letters I LOU YOU all across the car.

“yeah I thought that I should show people that I really love you so if you walk to the back you will see your name!” the smile grew on his face as I approached the trunk of the car.

“oh… Louis… I Lou you to!” the smile grew so much that I thought that it was gonna break his cheeks.

“then can I get a kiss?” I smile and step closer to him and pressed my lips softly on to his. This kiss felt… real? It felt like he really meant all the love you’s and all the hugs that meant something more than just a simple friendly hug. I felt like he actually cared for me and loved me lie I wanted him to. I love him.

“shall we be going?” the smile just didn’t want to disappear.

“I think that we shall!” I smile ach and try not to giggle but of course I´m with the cutest little butt that you could ever see so why shouldn’t I giggle? he looks at me and bend down as he is about to kiss me I stick my tongue out and he takes it between his teeth and I laughed as he let it go and as fast as he could kiss me before I could stick it out again.

“I know that you don’t really trust me jet but, trust me princess, after this day you’re not gonna hate me!” that smile again…

“we will have to wait and see about that!” I smirk at him and put my seatbelt on, safety first…

“Love, if you just turn the radio down I will show you something amazing.” I do as he says and turn it down to almost a whisper and look ahead of the road and I couldn’t see shit but I guess that he probably drove me to something really amazing.

“babe? Where are you taking me? we have been driving for more than twenty minutes.” I look over at him and he's just sitting there driving and smiling with these really big pilot sun glasses.

“you´ll just have to wait and see!” he looks over at me and cares my cheek with his thumb.  I pout and takes his hand, my fingers smoothly runs over his knuckles and soon they are wrapped around his fingers.

“I love you.” I say as I kiss the top of his hand.

“I love you too, baby” he brings both of our hands and place a soft kiss to the top of my hand. We crossed a place called Nuri, and I don’t know what the hell that is but it sounded good on the tongue.

“where here babe.” An angelic voce woke me from the little thought slumber I had. I looked around and couldn’t believe my eyes.


i know that i havnet updated in like, forever! but i have had  little bit of problems, and internet wasnt working for a hole week so it was really hrd fo me to update but there you had it! :) SMILE






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