You know whats funnier than 24? ...25..

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I feel someone gently shaking me. I look up and I see BEN.

"Hey, get up and get dressed. We gotta go." He says softly. I just nod and lay back down as he leaves. I didn't get up. I must have laid there thinking.

We leave today, For my parents. For Toby.... for my whole fucking family. I sigh and get up, and put on a white tank top and some blue jeans. I top it all off with a leather jacket, that stops around at the ribs. I put on my combat boots and go downstairs.

"You ready?" BEN asks. I shake my head.

"I want you to go ahead of me." I say.

"No! why? do you even care? our family and friends could be dead and you are just gonna waste more time here?!" He shouted. I shake my head again.

"Ben, ill be there. Just calm down and trust me. I have a plan..." I say calmly. he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever." he says, and leaves. He slams the door behind him. I look behind me, at the basement door. I walk to it, and sprint down the stairs.

"You ready, seedy!?" I shout. I see him look up, and he grins. I look at the control panel. I push one button, and a door flies open. He comes out, and walks up to me. Let me tell you, he's way more taller and threatening when he's next to you.

"Ready?" I ask. He nods.

"Get on my back. I can get us there quicker by running." He said. I nod, as he leans down like one of the elephants at the circus and let's me hop on his back.

"Let's go." I say, and he goes up stairs, and when we leave, he starts running.


I know BEN probably used the phone he had when he remembered it, and got there quicker.
But it took us about 30 mins to get there, which isn't bad timing at all. We sneak in, and when we get to the 'throne room' what I see makes me almost scream.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now