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Me and Ben laid there in the same bed. I couldn't sleep.

What if my parents are dead? I ask myself, but quickly erase it from my mind. They are strong... They can get through it. Especially dad. I sigh and look at Ben. Asleep. I get up and I wonder around the house.

I look at the basement. Its slendys private area. He does God knows what down there.

Might as well. I think.

I slowly open the door and quietly go down the old wooden stairs. When I'm actually down there, in the a tubal basement, there is all kinds of torture devices and stuff. Then there is one of those padded rooms, with glass around it, where you can look in. I slowly approach it, and look in. I see a creature. He was huge. He kept biting at the wall, and his south opened the opposite of what yours does, and hit was filled with Sharp teeth. He looked like he was all patched up, and he was missing an eye. It looked like it used to be human. But it's not. I turn the light on and speak to it, through a intercom thing He can hear.

"Hello?" I ask. It looks right at me.

"Who are you?" it hisses. I flinch at his voice.

"Um... Jessica. Jessica woods..." I stutter. It chuckles.

"Your Jeff's kid?" he says.

"Yes.." I say sadly.

"They were kidnapped sadly. We are going to go f-" I was saying before He cut me off

"KID NAPPED? BY WHOM?" he said.

"Zalgo." I reply. He chuckles.

"Ah. My master." he said.

"I can help you out of here..." I say. He approaches the glass.

"How so?" it asks.

"If you help me get my family back, I'll let you go. But if you don't keep your word, I'll kill you." I threaten. He grins.

"Okay." he said. "My name is seedeater" he said.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now