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Everyone is dead. Mom, dad, everyone. Their bodies were spread out around the living room. Their blood was all over the ground. All over me. There was a trail of blood leading up the stairs. Curious, I follow it. Maybe, whatever killed them is up there, waiting for Me. I carefully walk up the stairs. The trail lead to the bathroom.

the door was cracked open ever so slightly. I slowly push it open, to find nothing. The sink had bloody human handprints on it, as if someone was gripping the sides. I look up at the mirror, -blood on it as well- seeing myself. Only, I'm wearing this.... Ominous smile. In my hand... There was a knife... Dripping blood. At first, I thought it was some illusion, or trick caused by the mirror.

But it wasn't. In my hand was the large knife.

I couldn't have killed them! They're my family! I think.

I drop the knife, my hands trembling with fear and sadness. I was about to run out the door, but it was blocked.

Blocked by my parents.

They were just standing there, side by side, their guts hanging out like ropes. Blood was coming out of both their mouths. Hell, their blood covered them.

I let out a choked sob, as my friends, Toby, joined them. Even some of my previous victims that I had no connection to joined them.

"You killed us." my mom said.

"Your own parents." my dad finished.

That was a little ironic, yes. But I didn't really care. I was mire focused on the fact that I killed my parents, and now they're standing at my bathroom door.

I looked the direction I was facing, which was at the mirror, and I was still smiling.

"You killed them." my reflection said, with a chuckle. I gripped the side of the sink. My hands fit perfectly with the bloody prints underneath them.

"I didn't mean to..." I whisper.

"YOU KILLED THEM!" My reflection yelled.

I started to yell back.

"I DIDN'T-" I was interrupted by my own scream. I was shoved into the bathtub. I looked up, and see family over me. They all started grabbing at me, clawing at my flesh and ripping my hair. I screamed as loud as possible, pleading for them to stop. Of course, they didn't. My dad grabbed me by my forehead, and slammed my head into the shower wall. I slowly started to black out.


how'd you like it?

Is This you right now?



Also im very cocky about this chapter bc im proud of it lmao hi

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now