chapter 15

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I had to go up stairs. I heard a ringing in my ears, and I needed to be alone. Soon as I sit down on my bed, the ringing stops.

"Jessica." I hear a female voice say. I look around the dark room, illuminated by the moonlight.

I didn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" I call out. I was scared now.

"Why are looking around the room?"

"So I can see you?" I say back. The voice chuckled.

"I'm not in the room." I look out the Window. It sighed. "Or out there." it says.

"I'm in your head." it says eerily. My eyes go wide, and I grab a pillow and hug it close to me.

It started whispering things to me... Horrible things. Things of death, and killing.

There was no blocking it out.

Y/n p.o.v

She went upstairs.

"Jeff is she okay?" I ask. He Looks at me and sighs.

"She's probably in a bad mood. Don't worry about it." he says. I roll my eyes and snuggle up to him, burying my head into his rib cage.

Toby comes from the hallway next to the stairs. He has a cast on His arm, and stitches on his face.

"Where's Jessica?" He asks quietly.

"Um... buh..." that's all Jeff says.

"Her room... " I mumble. He nods and walks upstairs.

"YOUR KID IS BANGING HIM JEFF" masky says. Jeff rolls his eyes and keeps watching Ellen on tv. Wow Jeff.

Tobys p.o.v

I go up stairs to her room, and knock softly on her door. I hear a muffled whisper of "shut up." and the door opens, and she looks at me. She looks like she had been crying, and her left arm was twitching. I lean down and kiss her forehead. She sighs, but doesn't look up at me.

I squat down where I can fully see her face.

"You okay?" I ask. She nods, and brings her hands to her ears, not fully covering them. More like clawing at them.

"I got to go... You should too... I.... Sorry. Bye Toby..." she says. A he goes back in, and closes the door. I stand up and sigh.

I end up going back downstairs.

"Guys... Jessica isn't okay." I say. Jeff and y/n look up automatically.

"What do you mean?" jeff snaps. I sigh.

"She isn't really talking.... She just kinda apologized for nothing and just slammed her door on me... And she was clawing at her ears, and She looked like she was crying. " I say. Y/ns mouth hung open. She slapped Jeff's ribs.

"Told you!" she says. He sighs.

"I'll go see what's up." he says. But I think he knows.

Jessica's pov

Knocking. I open the door again. I see my dad there.

"Okay. Here's the deal. I know what's happening, no else does. You are going insane. You are coming with me, and we are going to have fun."

I'm going insane? I think to myself.

Fun? I already know what this is. Killing.

"Go on! Go!" the voice urges. I slowly nod and walk out the door. He closes it, a d I look at him, and him. He sighs.

"Lets go jess"

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now