chapter 9

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"OH." I hear a voice, followed by man's laughter. I look up, and see hoody and masky, staring back.

"What's your beef?" I say, just wanting to go to the bathroom.

"So...uh.... What happened last night?" masky said. I rolled your eyes.

"Sleep." I said.

"Anything else?" hoody said.

"Failed attempt of trying to get to know Toby.." I said.

"Get to know like how?" masky said. I just walked away. They started laughing again.

I went into my bathroom and did my business, and went in my room and but on a tank top and some shorts.

I walk back to to bus room, only to find Toby being questioned by them as well.

"We didn't have sex. Now if you don't go away I will push you ass hats down the stairs!" I said loudly. They both ran down the stairs, and I looked over to Toby, who was chuckling.

"Why are you leaving?" I ask.

"Pee." he said.

I nodded and went into his bedroom and sat on the already cold bed. He came back within seconds, and sat down in front of me.

But something cought my eye....

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now