chapter 16

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He lead me downstairs, and told me to wait here.

He went into a room, and left me at the end of the stairs. I didn't look up at anyone, but I can feel their eyes fixated on me. My dad comes out of the room.

"Come here." he orders. I start following him into the room


Weapons everywhere.

From everything you could image. But something stands out.

It was a sword. But double sided. Like that guys fucking lightsaber. I walk up to it and take it in my hands. I hear my dad chuckle. I look at him, leaned against the frame of The door.

"You sure?" He asks. I nod, a grin forming on my face. He chuckles and walks in, and he hides it in his hoodie.

"Lets go." he says. I smile, and we walk out of the room.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now