chapter 18

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"Who the hell are you?!?" the tall muscular boy says to my dad. He notices her and shoves my dad.

" kill him." the voice says. " stab him in the stomach!" it urges. I pull out my sword, and easily stab him, just like the voice said.

"Now move the blade up." it commands. I do as it says, and watch his guts pour out, as he falls on the floor. My dad chuckled, and pulled out his knife, and went for the blonde guy, who's head was shaved. I stood next to enormously built man, who slapped me across the face. I slice his arm off, and he screams in agony. I stab him through The bottom of his jaw. I rip it out and slice his head off. I hear myself and the voice chuckle. My dad looked at me and smirked. We were both covered in thick blood.

"I think that's enough for tonight." he says. I start pouting, but He shuts me up. We go back through the woods, and he goes through the front door. I can hear my worrying mother, and I just walk through the door. Everyone is quiet, which makes me smile.

I look at me mom. Her mouth open. My dad was just raising an eyebrow and looking at me.

"What the hell are you ass holes looking at? Not like you haven't seen this before." I snap.

"Not on y-you...." Ben stutters. I smirk and start up the stairs, before I hear my dad.

" here." He tosses me my sword. I easily catch it with one hand. We both smile and I continue up The stairs, and into my bathroom, ready for a shower.

Killer Family - Sequel To 'Killer Love'Where stories live. Discover now