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*3rd persons p.o.v*

Jess paced back and forth, ready, but scared. She can't even walk in heels. bulshit she thinks. She slowly walks out, looking at Toby, who definitely look sexy in a suit. About midway through the valley, there was a loud bang, and insane laughter. A man walked in, who could only be recognized by Jeff. Homicidal Lou. Jeff's brother. Jeff growled as Lou began to speak.

"It's a shame I wasn't invited."

"You aren't welcome here." Jeff says, clenching their jaw.

"Oh... and I suppose the baby is." Los aays, holding up the positive pregnancy test Jess took last night. "Yes. She's pregnant again everybody. Now, let me spare you some grief." He says, running at jess, and stabbing her right in the stomach leaving the knife in, and backs away, chuckling. She pulls it out, and dark shade of crimson stains the white dress. As she stands there looking down her hair falling in her face, she twitches, as black tears from her makeup stains her cheeks. EJ stands, about to help her, but she grips the knife and slowly begins walking to Lou. He pulls out another knife, and stabs her multiple times as she pounces on him, slitting his throat. They both lie on the ground bleeding. Slendy takes her, and put her on life support, trying to save her. The long beep noise feels their ears, and Toby falls to his knees, hands pressed to his ears. Her parents cry holding one another. The next day, they bury her next to her baby.

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